
Michailia Kalogerakou
Dare to Challenge
Published in
2 min readJan 19, 2016

Let’s get the party started! (Part 6)

“Restart” as a company, has wandered around asking and talking not only to homeless people but also to different organizations which are committed to the cause of helping them earn a better and more stable life. After gathering all the data, we identified the needs of the homeless people, which are more or less self-evident. Nevertheless, knowledge by itself is not enough to even take a step towards changing the situation to the better. This is why we have proceeded in certain procedures in order to collect money which will be used to meet some of the homeless’ basic needs. The way we thought of making our idea come true at first is by organazing a fund raising party.

Let’s get in the details! As Panteion University students we have submitted an application to the Dean so that he and the Administrative Council will approve the granting of a room in which the party could take place. The party is happening on Saturday, February 6th. Everyone who feel sensitive about the matter and want to have a chance at contributing to improving the homeless’ lives — even partially — are welcome to our party! Due to the financially difficult conditions we are going through for the past few years, the price of the party entrance is symbolic, so that anyone has the capability to contribute to our humanitarian cause. In the price there are included the consumption of fizzy drinks or alcohol.

The money we will manage to collect in the end of the party is going to be used to purchase essentials for the homeless such as blankets, sweaters, scarfs and gloves for the cold days and nights of the winter that awaits ahead of us. Therefore, these people may not have their own house, but we hope to make them get a bit closer to feeling like home.

This party is NOT the main goal of our project, it is only a small part, more like a “bonus”. Except from the fund-raising, the purposes of this party are spreading the word for our action, getting people to know us, making them more sensitive about the matter we are being concerned with and making them want to participate in our project.

If you feel our efforts at heart and want to participate in spreading the word, you can like our facebook page about the Party : https://www.facebook.com/events/1559516641036835/

See you there!!!

