How we communicate Diabeates initiative.

Paraskevi-Vasiliki Katopodi
Dare to Challenge
Published in
2 min readJan 20, 2019

Τhe app was ready. All we had to do was promote it. How would we accomplish that? One of the most efficient ways is the method known as “word of mouth”. In other words, DIABEATES would organize a conference where specialists’ doctors and people of the medical world would give talks and advice concerning diabetes and its rapid proliferation.

During the making app process, the doctors who consulted us, suggested on a feedback for further improvements and renewals, volunteered to promote it to their customers, for a more organized and proper handling. Our app would be the ideal help for those struggling to put their lives back in order.

One aspect that many don’t take into consideration is how important is the psychology factor in the healing process. This made us approach psychologists and psychiatrists, whose role would be to organize therapy groups, where every diabetic would feel comfortable expressing his thoughts, his concerns, and why not, share his experience as a way of treatment. Becoming a role model for others, sharing, being part of a group, feeling member of another “family” can be redemption for the soul.

Our last thought for promoting our app was the source of social media. INSTAGRAM, being the latest and worldwide fashion trend of our time, was the most efficient way. Our profile would consist of healthy recipes, motivation stories, event announcements. The basic idea is to surround a diabetic friendly environment around it.

The whole effort is happening because diabetes is definitely controllable and is not a taboo. You’re unique and you’re important to us. We’re here for you.

part 6

for part 5:

Betty Tsakarestou

Lambrini Tsiligianni, Melina Theodora Doulos

