I stopped embarrassing myself on stage the moment I learnt this simple trick:

All I had to do was pretend.

Sofie Jacobs
Inspiring Minds
3 min readJun 18, 2024


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Before I go ahead to give you practical ways you also can stop embarrassing yourself whenever you’re given an opportunity to go on stage, it is important to first establish one crucial point.

  • Confidence is not a personality trait, it is a choice you make!

Even your mentors and celebrities wake up on some days not feeling like it. Everyone has those days.

I said this to say that the idea of appearing or becoming more confident is absolutely possible. You just have to make the choice to change.

  • I’ll tell you a quick secret:
    Confidence is really just pretending until it no longer feels like you’re pretending.

Yep! The most confident people are simply the best pretenders.

Listen, no one is really exempted from facing the nerve-wracking fear that comes with going on stage or speaking up.

The only difference between you and those who seem better at this is they have mastered the art of pretense.

You too can master speaking up even when you’re nervous. You just need to know how.

3 practical ways to help you appear more confident:

1. Pay attention to your body language:

When you go on stage, your mouth isn’t the only body part talking.

Your body has a voice too and how you move on stage is just as important as what you say.

So, make sure to stand tall, keep your shoulders back, and make eye contact with your audience.

Use purposeful gestures to emphasize your points, but avoid fidgeting or pacing nervously.

Power poses work! Practice some before you go on stage.

Stand in front of a mirror with your feet shoulder-width apart, head high and your hands on your hips.

This will give you the appearance of a confident person and gradually help you start to feel more confident.

2. Deep breaths will save your life:

The last thing you want is to go on stage sounding like a frail chicken with a quaking voice, but with all the nerves and tension you feel, this becomes inevitable.

So, a few minutes before speaking or presenting, you want to practice controlled breathing.

This can help calm your nerves, reduce anxiety and keep you focused.

3. Prepare like your life depends on it:

Confidence begins with knowledge and knowledge comes from preparation.

When you know your material and your audience well, your confidence will naturally increase.

Familiarize yourself with your material until it becomes second nature.

Practice your speech multiple times, in front of a mirror, to friends, or even recording yourself.

The more you rehearse, the more comfortable you’ll become with your content.

To wrap up:

Remember, confidence first starts with pretense.
You start to feel like it, when you start acting like it.

It is not an impossible mission! It can totally be achieved.

It is simply a journey that involves preparation, practice, and a few effective techniques.

If you would like a more in-depth guide on becoming confident and mastering stage fright, I know a material that will help. Check it here.

Other valuable reads:

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Sofie Jacobs
Inspiring Minds

Digital Creator ✨ | I give you practical tips and tricks to help you become a better version of yourself.