Inheritance in Python Object-Oriented Programming

Python for AI, data science and machine learning Day 5

Gianpiero Andrenacci
Data Bistrot
15 min readApr 9, 2024


Python for AI, data science and machine learning series

Introduction to Class Inheritance

Class inheritance is a fundamental concept in object-oriented programming (OOP) that allows developers to create a new class that is based on an existing class. This mechanism enables the new class, often referred to as the child or subclass, to inherit attributes and methods from the parent or base class. The primary motivations behind using class inheritance are code reuse, establishing a clear hierarchy, and facilitating the development and maintenance of complex software systems, including those in data science.

Code Reuse

One of the most significant advantages of class inheritance is code reuse. By allowing new classes to inherit features from existing classes, developers can build upon existing work without the need to duplicate code. This not only saves time but also reduces the likelihood of errors since the base class code has likely been tested and verified. In data science, this can mean creating subclasses for different types of data processing or algorithms that share common functionalities.


Class inheritance introduces a hierarchical structure to software design. This hierarchy makes it easier to understand relationships between different components of a software system. For instance, in a data science project, you might have a general DataProcessor class with subclasses like ImageProcessor and TextProcessor, depending on the type of data you are working with. This hierarchy clarifies the system's architecture and makes it more intuitive.

Data Science Usage

In data science, class inheritance can be particularly useful for organizing code in a way that reflects the inherent structure of data processing tasks. For example, a base class could define a generic data loader, while subclasses could implement specific preprocessing steps for different data types (e.g., images, text, audio). This approach allows for flexible code that can easily be adapted as the requirements of data science projects evolve.

Development and Maintenance Costs

While class inheritance can significantly improve code organization and reuse, it’s important to use it judiciously to avoid increasing development and maintenance costs. Inappropriate or excessive use of inheritance can lead to complex and tightly coupled codebases that are difficult to understand and maintain. However, when used correctly, inheritance can simplify the development process and reduce maintenance costs by promoting modular and scalable code architectures.

Class inheritance is a powerful tool in OOP that can greatly enhance code reuse, establish clear hierarchies, and support the development and maintenance of data science projects. By leveraging inheritance, developers can create more efficient, organized, and scalable software systems.

How to Use Inheritance in Python: A Guide

Inheritance allows us to define a class that inherits all the methods and properties from another class. The parent class is the class being inherited from, also called the base class, and the child class is the class that inherits from another class, also called the derived class.

Basic Syntax of Inheritance

Here’s a simple example to illustrate the syntax of inheritance in Python:

class BaseClass:

class DerivedClass(BaseClass):

Practical Example: Data Science Context

Let’s create a more practical example relevant to data science, where we have a generic DataProcessor class and specialized subclasses for processing different types of data.

The Base Class

The DataProcessor class will include basic functionalities common to all data types, such as loading and saving data.

class DataProcessor:
def __init__(self, data_source):
self.data_source = data_source

def load_data(self):
print(f"Loading data from {self.data_source}")
# Implementation to load data

def save_data(self, data):
print("Saving data...")
# Implementation to save data

The Derived Classes

Now, we’ll create two subclasses: ImageProcessor and TextProcessor, which inherit from DataProcessor but also include their specific processing methods.

class ImageProcessor(DataProcessor):
def process_data(self):
print("Processing image data...")
# Image-specific processing logic

class TextProcessor(DataProcessor):
def process_data(self):
print("Processing text data...")
# Text-specific processing logic

Using the Inherited Classes

Here’s how you can use these classes:

image_processor = ImageProcessor("path/to/image/data")
image_processor.load_data() # Inherited method
image_processor.process_data() # Subclass-specific method

text_processor = TextProcessor("path/to/text/data")
text_processor.load_data() # Inherited method
text_processor.process_data() # Subclass-specific method

Benefits in Data Science

This structure allows us to have a clear hierarchy and organization in our code, where common functionalities are centralized in the base class, reducing redundancy and making the code easier to maintain and extend. For instance, if we want to add a new method to load data from a database, we only need to update the DataProcessor class, and all derived classes will automatically inherit this new functionality.

Overriding Methods in Inheritance

Method overriding is a feature in object-oriented programming that allows a derived (or subclass) to provide a specific implementation of a method that is already defined in its base (or superclass). This concept is pivotal in inheritance, enabling subclasses to modify or extend the behavior of methods inherited from the base class.

How Method Overriding Works

When a method in a subclass has the same name, same parameters, or signature, and same return type as a method in the base class, the method in the subclass is said to override the method in the base class. When the overridden method is called on an object of the subclass, the version defined in the subclass is executed, allowing for behavior specific to that subclass.

Example in a Data Science Context

Consider a simple class hierarchy where a generic DataModel class defines a method evaluate() that computes a basic evaluation metric. In more specialized model classes, such as ClassificationModel and RegressionModel, we might want to override evaluate() to compute metrics relevant to classification or regression tasks specifically.

class DataModel:
def evaluate(self, predictions, true_values):
print("Evaluating model...")
# Implementation of a basic evaluation metric

class ClassificationModel(DataModel):
def evaluate(self, predictions, true_values):
print("Evaluating classification model...")
# Implementation of classification-specific evaluation metrics, e.g., accuracy, F1 score

class RegressionModel(DataModel):
def evaluate(self, predictions, true_values):
print("Evaluating regression model...")
# Implementation of regression-specific evaluation metrics, e.g., MSE, RMSE

Benefits of Overriding Methods

  • Customization: Allows subclasses to define behavior that’s relevant to their specific context, enhancing the flexibility of class hierarchies.
  • Polymorphism: Facilitates polymorphic behavior, where the same method name can perform differently based on the object it is called on, making the code more intuitive and easier to manage.
  • Maintainability: Promotes cleaner code by keeping the method signature consistent across the hierarchy while allowing for behavior to vary as needed.

Best Practices

  • Use super(): When overriding methods, it’s often useful to call the method from the base class using super().method_name(), either to avoid duplicating code or to extend the base class method's behavior rather than completely replacing it. See below for more details.
  • Consistent Signatures: Keep the method signatures consistent when overriding. This includes the method name, the number and type of parameters, and the return type.
  • Document Overrides: Clearly document any overridden methods to make it clear to other developers why the override was necessary and how the behavior is modified.

Example Using super()

Here’s how you might use super() in the ClassificationModel to extend the base class method:

class ClassificationModel(DataModel):
def evaluate(self, predictions, true_values):
super().evaluate(predictions, true_values) # Call the base class method
print("Calculating additional classification metrics...")
# Additional implementation here

An Overview of Python’s super() Function

The super() function in Python is a powerful feature that allows you to call methods from a superclass (parent or base class) from within a subclass (child or derived class). This function is pivotal in object-oriented programming (OOP), especially when dealing with complex class hierarchies and method overriding. Understanding super() is essential for leveraging the full capabilities of inheritance and for implementing polymorphic behavior in class methods.

Purpose of super()

The primary purposes of super() are:

  • Accessing Parent Class Methods: It enables a subclass to call methods of the superclass, especially useful when overriding methods and wanting to extend the behavior of the parent class method rather than replacing it entirely.
  • Avoiding Direct Parent Class References: By using super(), you can avoid directly naming the parent class. This makes your code more maintainable and adaptable to changes, such as changing the parent class.
  • Cooperative Multiple Inheritance: In the context of multiple inheritance, super() is used to ensure that all ancestors of a class are properly initialized and that the method resolution order (MRO) is adhered to.

super() is used within a class method and can be called in two main ways:

  1. Without Parameters: When called without any parameters, super() returns a temporary object of the superclass that allows you to call its methods.
class Parent:
def show(self):
print("Inside Parent")

class Child(Parent):
def show(self):
super().show() # Calls Parent's show method
print("Inside Child")

2. With Parameters: super() can also be called with two parameters — super(class, obj) — where class is the subclass, and obj is an object instance of class, which is more common in complex uses of multiple inheritance. This is especially useful in complex scenarios with multiple inheritance, allowing more precise control over which parent class’s method is called.

  • class: The subclass from which the MRO (Method Resolution Order) is calculated.
  • obj: An instance of the subclass.

Here’s a simplified example to illustrate this usage:

class A:
def show(self):
print("Show method from class A")

class B(A):
def show(self):
print("Show method from class B")
super().show() # This would normally call

class C(A):
def show(self):
print("Show method from class C")

class D(B, C):
def show(self):
print("Show method from class D")
super(B, self).show() # Specifying to start from B's MRO

d_instance = D()

In the above scenario, class D inherits from both B and C, which both inherit from A. When calling super(B, self).show() in the D class's show method, Python calculates the MRO starting from class B, despite the instance being of class D. This allows for explicit control over the order in which methods are called in complex inheritance hierarchies.

By specifying B as the class, the super() call effectively skips to the next class in the MRO following B, which would be C in this case, due to the defined inheritance hierarchy. This is a powerful feature for managing method calls in multiple inheritance scenarios.

In the realm of Python programming, especially within data science projects, the allure of Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) and the use of inheritance can sometimes lead to overly complex designs. While inheritance, including multiple inheritances, is a powerful feature of Python, its application in data science projects warrants careful consideration due to several reasons.

Later in this article, we’ll cover MRO in more details and we’ll see the pro and cons of multiple inheritance.

Super() Example Usage in a Data Science Context

Consider a scenario where you are building a machine learning framework with a base class Model and a subclass LinearModel. You might want to override a method in LinearModel but still use part of the implementation from Model.

class Model:
def train(self, data):
print("General model training steps")
# Implementation of general training steps

class LinearModel(Model):
def train(self, data):
super().train(data) # Calls Model's train method
print("Linear model specific training steps")
# Additional training steps specific to linear models

In this example, super().train(data) calls the train method from the Model class within the train method of LinearModel, allowing the LinearModel to perform both the general training steps defined in Model and additional steps specific to linear models.

Explanation and Examples of super() Function and Parent Class __init__ Constructor

When working with Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) in Python, especially in the context of inheritance, it’s common to encounter situations where a derived (or child) class needs to inherit and possibly extend the functionality of a base (or parent) class. The super() function and direct calls to a parent class's __init__ constructor are two ways to achieve this. Below, we'll explore both methods with clear examples.

Using super() to Call the Parent Class’s __init__ Constructor

super() can be used to call the __init__ method (or other methods) of the parent class without explicitly naming the parent class. This is particularly useful for multiple inheritance, as it helps avoid the complexity of directly naming parent classes.

class Parent:
def __init__(self, value):
self.value = value
print(f"Parent class with value: {self.value}")

class Child(Parent):
def __init__(self, value, extra):
super().__init__(value) # Calling Parent class __init__
self.extra = extra
print(f"Child class with value: {self.value} and extra: {self.extra}")

# Creating an instance of Child
child_instance = Child(10, 20)

In this example, the Child class inherits from the Parent class. The Child class's __init__ method calls the Parent class's __init__ method using super() to initialize the value attribute, and then it initializes an additional attribute, extra, specific to the Child class.

Benefits of Using super()

  • Flexibility and Maintenance: It increases the flexibility and maintainability of your code by avoiding hard-coded references to parent classes.
  • Support for Multiple Inheritance: It handles complex multiple inheritance scenarios smoothly, ensuring that the method resolution order is correctly followed.
  • Enhanced Reusability: By facilitating the extension of parent class methods rather than their outright replacement, super() enhances the reusability of code.

Inheritance and the “Is-A” Relationship

Inheritance in object-oriented programming (OOP) is often explained through the “is-a” relationship, which is a way to establish a hierarchy between classes to indicate that one class is a specialized version of another. This relationship is fundamental to understanding how inheritance facilitates code reuse, polymorphism, and the organization of complex systems.

Understanding the “Is-A” Relationship

The “is-a” relationship signifies that a subclass (or derived class) is a more specific form of the superclass (or base class) it inherits from. This means that objects of the subclass can be treated as objects of the superclass, although they may have additional properties or behaviors.

Example in Data Science

Consider a data science project where we have a generic Model class that represents any machine learning model. We might have specific types of models like LinearRegressionModel and DecisionTreeModel that inherit from Model.

class Model:
def train(self, data):
pass # Generic training logic

def predict(self, input_data):
pass # Generic prediction logic

class LinearRegressionModel(Model):
def train(self, data):
print("Training Linear Regression Model...")
# Specific training logic for linear regression

class DecisionTreeModel(Model):
def train(self, data):
print("Training Decision Tree Model...")
# Specific training logic for decision tree

In this example, both LinearRegressionModel and DecisionTreeModel are models, but with specialized training logic suited to their algorithms. This is the essence of the "is-a" relationship.

Benefits of “Is-A” Relationship in OOP

  • Code Reuse: Subclasses can inherit and reuse code from their superclasses, reducing redundancy.
  • Polymorphism: Objects of different classes related by inheritance can be treated uniformly. For example, you could have a list of Model objects that actually contains instances of LinearRegressionModel, DecisionTreeModel, etc., and call the train method on each without knowing the specific type of model.
  • Scalability: New classes can be added with minimal changes to existing code, making the system more scalable.
  • Maintainability: Changes in the superclass are automatically propagated to subclasses, assuming the method signatures remain the same, making the system easier to maintain.

Applying “Is-A” Relationship

When designing a system, consider the “is-a” relationship to determine whether inheritance is appropriate:

  • Use inheritance when you can say “Class B is a type of Class A” (e.g., DecisionTreeModel is a type of Model).
  • Avoid inheritance if the relationship does not fit the “is-a” model. In such cases, consider using composition or interfaces to achieve the desired functionality. We’ll cover composition in the last part of this articles series.

The “is-a” relationship is a powerful concept in OOP that underlies the use of inheritance. By clearly defining how classes are related through this relationship, developers can create more organized, maintainable, and scalable software. Especially in data science, where models and data processing methods can vary widely but also share common behaviors, leveraging the “is-a” relationship through inheritance can lead to cleaner and more efficient codebases.

Single vs. Multiple Inheritance in Python

Inheritance is a fundamental concept in object-oriented programming (OOP) that allows one class to inherit attributes and methods from another class. Python supports both single inheritance and multiple inheritance, allowing developers to choose the approach that best fits their application’s needs. Understanding the differences between single and multiple inheritance is crucial for designing effective class hierarchies.

Single Inheritance

Single inheritance occurs when a class (known as a derived or child class) inherits from only one superclass (or parent class). This is a straightforward way to extend or modify the functionality of the superclass in the subclass.


  • Simplicity: Single inheritance hierarchies are generally easier to understand and manage due to their linear structure.
  • Less Ambiguity: There’s no ambiguity about where inherited methods and attributes come from, as there’s only one superclass.


class Vehicle:  # Superclass
def general_usage(self):
return "transportation"

class Car(Vehicle): # Subclass
def specific_usage(self):
return "commute to work"

# Using the classes
car = Car()
print(car.general_usage()) # Inherited method
print(car.specific_usage()) # Subclass-specific method

Multiple Inheritance

Multiple inheritance occurs when a class inherits from more than one base class. This allows a class to combine the functionalities of all the base classes.


  • Flexibility: It offers more flexibility by allowing a class to inherit features from multiple classes.
  • Feature-rich: Subclasses can be more feature-rich, incorporating attributes and methods from multiple superclasses.


  • Complexity: The hierarchy can become complex, making it harder to trace the source of methods and attributes.
  • Diamond Problem: The diamond problem is a particular complication where an ambiguity arises in the inheritance hierarchy, specifically when a class inherits from two classes that both inherit from the same superclass.


class Father:
def gardening(self):
print("I enjoy gardening")

class Mother:
def cooking(self):
print("I love cooking")

class Child(Father, Mother): # Inherits from both Father and Mother
def sports(self):
print("I enjoy sports")

# Using the Child class
child = Child()
child.gardening() # Inherited from Father # Inherited from Mother
child.sports() # Child's own method

Understanding Method Resolution Order (MRO) in Python

Method Resolution Order (MRO) in Python refers to the order in which Python looks for a method in a hierarchy of classes. Especially relevant in the context of multiple inheritance, where a class can inherit features from more than one parent class, MRO is crucial for determining how and where Python finds the methods you call.

Key Points of MRO:

  • Linearization: Python uses a strategy called C3 Linearization to flatten the class hierarchy in a specific order that ensures each class is encountered once before its parents and in the order specified in the class definition.
  • Left-to-Right, Depth-First: The search for methods begins from the current class and proceeds to the parent classes, following a left-to-right, depth-first order. This means Python first looks at the leftmost parent class, moving down its hierarchy (depth-first), before proceeding to the next parent class.
  • super() Function: The super() function in Python leverages MRO to determine which method or attribute to invoke, making it easier to use inheritance effectively, especially in complex class hierarchies.

You can view the MRO of a class by using the __mro__ attribute or the mro() method.


This will show the order in which Python looks for methods and attributes, helping to resolve ambiguities in multiple inheritance scenarios.

Further reading on MRO:

Why to Avoid Multiple Inheritance

Single inheritance offers simplicity and clarity, making it suitable for most use cases. Multiple inheritance provides greater flexibility and allows for more complex behaviors but requires careful design to avoid ambiguity and complexity. Understanding both paradigms allows Python developers to make informed decisions when structuring their class hierarchies, especially in domains like data science where modular and reusable code is valuable.

Multiple inheritance can indeed provide significant flexibility and functionality to an object-oriented design. However, it can also introduce complexity and ambiguity, making the codebase harder to understand, maintain, and extend. While multiple inheritance can be a powerful tool, here are several reasons why developers might choose to avoid or carefully consider its use:

1. Complexity

The most immediate impact of multiple inheritance is increased complexity. When a class inherits from multiple superclasses, it can be challenging to track the origins of its inherited methods and attributes. This complexity can make the codebase less intuitive and harder to navigate, especially for developers who are not familiar with the entire hierarchy.

2. The Diamond Problem

The diamond problem is a well-known issue associated with multiple inheritance. It occurs when a class inherits from two classes that both inherit from a common superclass. This situation can create ambiguity in the method resolution order (MRO), making it unclear which superclass’s method should be invoked. While Python’s method resolution order (C3 Linearization) addresses this, understanding and managing the implications can add an extra layer of complexity.

3. Increased Risk of Method Collision

With multiple inheritance, there’s a higher risk of method name collision, where different superclasses have methods with the same name but different functionalities. This can lead to unexpected behaviors if not carefully managed, as the subclass might inherit and execute the wrong method version, leading to bugs that are hard to trace and fix.

4. Design Challenges

Good design often involves ensuring that objects have a single, clear responsibility. Multiple inheritance can blur these lines, leading to objects that are trying to do too much or that mix unrelated functionalities. This can violate the Single Responsibility Principle, one of the SOLID principles of object-oriented design, making classes less cohesive and harder to understand.

5. Alternative Approaches

Often, the benefits of multiple inheritance can be achieved through alternative design patterns that do not have the same drawbacks. For instance:

  • Composition over Inheritance: Using composition, where an object contains instances of other objects to extend its functionality, can often be a more flexible and less complex way to achieve the same goals as multiple inheritance. We’ll delve into composition in details in one of the following articles.
  • Interfaces or Mixins: In languages that support them, interfaces or mixins can provide a way to share methods across classes without the complexity of multiple inheritance.

Conclusion on multiple inheritance

While multiple inheritance can offer powerful ways to organize and reuse code, its potential drawbacks mean it should be used judiciously.

Considering the complexity, design challenges, and alternatives can help developers decide when multiple inheritance is appropriate or when other patterns might be more suitable.

In many cases, simpler inheritance structures, along with composition and interfaces, can provide a more maintainable and understandable approach to designing software systems, especially in complex fields like data science where clarity and modularity are key.



Gianpiero Andrenacci
Data Bistrot

AI & Data Science Solution Manager. Avid reader. Passionate about ML, philosophy, and writing. Ex-BJJ master competitor, national & international titleholder.