Go to Data & Its Discontents
Data & Its Discontents
Ours is a world of data giants & Bayesian infants
Note from the editor

notes , observations , fledgling analyses & ~ideations~ of a recovering systems analyst / progressing (admittedly unorthodox) ‘data science’ autodidact in the midst of ongoing self-study & practice. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ with a particular bent towards the skeptical & the mistrustful-of-popular-&-professional-bastardizations / breathless technotopian neophilism around current ‘Data’ discourse & practice. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(to say nothing of an emphatic bent towards the ungrammatical)

Go to the profile of zha ep
zha ep
buzzing around the fly-bottle
Go to the profile of zha ep
zha ep
buzzing around the fly-bottle