Data as an asset
Where data are controlled by a company as a result of past events, and this right that has the potential to produce economic benefits, the…
Public officials on data ownership
“In Germany, the ministry of transport and digitalization defines the ownership of data created by automobiles as follows:
The right of disposal shall be allocated to the data supplier. In principle this means: Data and the attributed rights belong to persons—in the…
Data Being
“‘When does data begin to exist?’
[Data] becomes real the moment it is recorded by electronic or digital means. At that…
Car owner is data owner
“This vehicle is equipped with one or more devices commonly referred to as event data recorders. These devices record [data]. This data belongs to the vehicle owner and may not be accessed by anyone else except as legally required or with the permission of the vehicle owner.”
Source: 2008 Honda Pilot Manual
Why regulating data as property
“[Advances] in scientific research, quantum mechanics, and quantum computing which confirm that information an any digital or electronic medium is, and always has been, physical, tangible matter.
Data quality is context dependent
“The information that can be extracted from data depends on the quality of the data. Poor-quality data will therefore almost always lead to poor results (‘garbage in, garbage out’).
[Information] is context dependent, and as a result data quality will typically…
Data-driven decision making responsibility
“The use of data and analytics does not come without limitations […]. There are considerable risks that the underlying data and analytic algorithms could lead to unexpected false results. […]
Data-driven decision making it its extreme
“Decision makers do not necessarily need to understand the phenomenon before they act on it.
If something is free then what is the product?
The question is rephrasing of ‘if something is free, you are the product’ statement. And the answer can be extracting from the following:
“The existence of a free good signals that there is a companion good [across the multi-sided market], that firms…
Understanding data-driven value creation
“[The] two moments — when data are transformed into information and knowledge (gaining insights) and then used for decision making (taking action) — are when the social and economic value of data is mainly reaped. Separating these concepts (data, information and knowledge) is…