Go to Data Science Indonesia
Data Science Indonesia
A place to share and learn about anything related to Data Science curated by Data Science Indonesia members for Data Science People.
Note from the editor

A place to share and learn about anything related to Data Science curated by Data Science Indonesia members for Data Science People.

Go to the profile of Data Science Indonesia
Data Science Indonesia
Go to the profile of Pratiwi Eka Puspita
Pratiwi Eka Puspita
I am a data enthusiast. Please visit my linkedin on https://www.linkedin.com/in/pratiwi-eka-puspita/
Go to the profile of Data Science Indonesia - Research
Go to the profile of Metha Dwi Karina
Go to the profile of Alamsyah Hanza
Alamsyah Hanza
Not copy it, Rewrite it. Visit me: alamhanz.xyz
Go to the profile of Alfan Alfian
Alfan Alfian
Statistician | Advisor RDKM Data Science Indonesia East Java Chapter
Go to the profile of Satya Nugraha
Satya Nugraha
A computer scientist who derived statistic perspective to interpret politics and public issues with data
Go to the profile of AC
Research Engineer
Go to the profile of Doni Rubiagatra
Doni Rubiagatra
Partner Zero One Group | Google Developer Expert | Doing Engineering with Empathy
Go to the profile of Hervind Philipe
Hervind Philipe
Data Scientist @ Traveloka
Go to the profile of Vincent Tatan
Vincent Tatan
IG FB Reels Recsys @ Meta. I share my life and my stories for budding Tech Professionals to learn from my mistakes
Go to the profile of Mfatchur Rahman
Go to the profile of Lia Anggraini
Lia Anggraini
I am a junior researcher who's passionate towards machine learning, AI, Big Data and Health Informatics
Go to the profile of Adam WB
Adam WB
Data Engineer, sometimes do ML
Go to the profile of Muhammad Saipul Rohman
Muhammad Saipul Rohman
Data Engineering, Data Science and Cloud Computing Enthusiast.
Go to the profile of Regita Permata
Go to the profile of Novindra Prasetio
Novindra Prasetio
Data Science Enthusiast | Indonesia
Go to the profile of Ferisa Tri Putri Prestasi
Go to the profile of Mario Gulo
Mario Gulo
Researcher at Data Science Indonesia
Go to the profile of Nouvalhabibie
Go to the profile of Muhammad Idham Habibie
Go to the profile of Ruben Stefanus
Go to the profile of Intan Dea Yutami
Intan Dea Yutami
Machine learning and data analysis enthusiast. Also a badminton observer. linkedin.com/in/intandea/
Go to the profile of Ravelto Wangistu
Ravelto Wangistu
A psychology student who interested on data science and visualizations.
Go to the profile of Christian Wibisono
Go to the profile of Ashari Ramadhan
Ashari Ramadhan
Trying to be significant - Stat
Go to the profile of Adianto Trihatmojo
Adianto Trihatmojo
I improve business with data and machine learning. An adventurer and a sucker for words.
Go to the profile of Russell Saerang
Russell Saerang
That Data Science and Analytics Guy @ NUS
Go to the profile of Evan Budianto
Evan Budianto
I just imported pandas and numpy then called myself a data scientist. Writing what I learned about data science.
Go to the profile of Nadya Aditama
Nadya Aditama
Learn. Do. Write. Share. Machine Learning, Computer Vision, and Programming Enthusiast
Go to the profile of Syahrul Hamdani
Syahrul Hamdani
Breathe data-driven | Sr Data Scientist @ KoinWorks
Go to the profile of Harits Abdurrohman
Harits Abdurrohman
Hi, I’m Harits Abdurrohman, an MLUX engineer-wannabe and AI x Design Enthusiast.
Go to the profile of Alifia C Harmadi
Alifia C Harmadi
A philomath & data engineer. Passionate about ML, DL & data storytelling.
Go to the profile of Hanifan Rizki Nurahman
Hanifan Rizki Nurahman
Hello there! Thanks for coming, I hope you have a great day!!
Go to the profile of M. Agus A.
M. Agus A.
Consists of 60% water
Go to the profile of Leny Damayanti
Leny Damayanti
Pecinta buku dan kucing. Berau-Kaltim
Go to the profile of Rizqi Okta Ekoputris
Rizqi Okta Ekoputris
AI and Data Science Enthusiast
Go to the profile of Iqbal Hanif
Iqbal Hanif
Telkom Indonesia
Go to the profile of Felix Tandiono
Go to the profile of Aribowo Abdurrahman
Go to the profile of Muammar Khadafi
Muammar Khadafi
Currently a Data Engineer, but also interested in Machine Learning especially Machine Vision.
Go to the profile of Perisai Zidane H.
Go to the profile of Mario Caesar
Mario Caesar
Hello World! 👋 | Just Nobody on Medium | linktr.ee/caesarmario_
Go to the profile of Mikael Dewabrata
Go to the profile of Dede Kurniawan
Dede Kurniawan
A writer who focuses on the topics of Python 🐍, Data Science 📊, and Biology 🧬. My LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dede-kurniawann/
Go to the profile of Muhammad Faridan Sutariya
Muhammad Faridan Sutariya
sedang menuntut ilmu
Go to the profile of Pratiwi Eka Puspita
Pratiwi Eka Puspita
I am a data enthusiast. Please visit my linkedin on https://www.linkedin.com/in/pratiwi-eka-puspita/
Go to the profile of Ignatius Sandyawan
Ignatius Sandyawan
Data Analyst in Statistics Indonesia
Go to the profile of Rico Fitra
Go to the profile of Faisal Afif
Faisal Afif
A lifelong learner sharing about data analytics and data science | Medium medium.com/@faisal.afif | LinkedIn linkedin.com/in/faisal-afif/
Go to the profile of Faisal Anshory
Go to the profile of Said Rasidin
Said Rasidin
Interest in Data and of course AI
Go to the profile of Mohamad Nur Syahril Kaharu
Go to the profile of Rabbani