How to build a Chatbot with ChatGPT API and a Conversational Memory in Python



🧠 Memory Bot 🤖 — An easy up-to-date implementation of ChatGPT API, the GPT-3.5-Turbo model, with LangChain AI's 🦜 — ConversationChain memory module with Streamlit front-end.

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With the emergence of Large Language Models (LLMs), AI technologies have advanced to a level where humans can converse with chatbots in a way that resembles human conversation. In my opinion, chatbots are poised to become an essential component of our daily lives for a wide range of problem-solving tasks. We will soon encounter chatbots in various domains, including customer service and personal assistance.

“Conversation is food for the soul. It nourishes our spirits and helps us to grow.” — John Templeton |Photo by Etienne Boulanger on Unsplash

Let me highlight the relevance of this blog post, by addressing the important context in our day-to-day conversation. Conversations are natural ways for humans to communicate and exchange informations. In conversations, we humans rely on our memory to remember what has been previously discussed (i.e. the…




Community Lead, Databutton. Biophysics, PhD Candidate