30-Day Coding Challenge

Day 2 — Improving My First Python Project

Kester R.
DSV Logs!
Published in
1 min readJul 7, 2024


Photo by Author Via Microsoft Designer & Canva

My Day 2 report is coming out very late due to the power outage in my city. Anyway, before I start coding today, here’s what I did yesterday:

I Improved my first Python Project — A Temperature Converter

When I first started learning Python, this was the first real task I did. Though I never designed a GUI for it, I used basic functions like input, if, elif, else, try, and except.

But version 1.0, as I’ll call it, could only convert from Kelvin to Celsius and vice versa. Here’s what it looked like:

So, yesterday, I wrote another temperature converter code from scratch. This time, I paid attention to Fahrenheit. But like my random word generator, I’m still not satisfied with it.

I want to design a proper interface before I’m ready to share it with the world.

Anyway, I may change my mind as time passes seeing as I make many of these decisions on a whim.

There you have it — my Day 2 report. I wonder what today has in store for my challenge. Stick around for my day 3 report soon…



Kester R.
DSV Logs!

I'm a writer trying to do what he knows best - "hitting the keys on my keyboard"