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Compartilhando experiências sobre visualização de dados (dataviz) em português.
Note from the editor

Publicação sobre visualização de dados (dataviz) em português.

Go to the profile of Rodrigo Medeiros
Rodrigo Medeiros
Interaction Designer and Professor, PhD. Curator at @datavizbr. #ux #dataviz
Go to the profile of Déborah Mesquita
Déborah Mesquita
Award-winning Data Scientist 👩🏾‍💻 Loves to write and explain things in different ways✨ - http://deborahmesquita.com/
Go to the profile of Júlia Giannella
Júlia Giannella
#dataviz and #HCI for knowledge discovery in #digitalCollections | Ph.D. student at @esdi_uerj, researcher at @visgraflab and curator at @datavizrio
Go to the profile of Rafael Ancara
Rafael Ancara
Designer da Informação, professor e pesquisador // PP&B, Visual+mente e Pensar Infográfico
Go to the profile of Ricardo Cunha Lima
Ricardo Cunha Lima
Ricardo is a information designer, illustrator, university professor at UFPE, has a PhD in design and is a founding member of the Visual+mente podcast
Go to the profile of Daniel Souza
Daniel Souza
UX Designer, Planner. Interested in the intersecctions between culture, tech and politics. Open minded and a really good listener.
Go to the profile of Carol Cavaleiro
Go to the profile of Ligia Galvão
Ligia Galvão
Especialista em Inteligência de Mercado. Mestre emCustomer Intelligence & Analytics pela Pace University, Nova York.
Go to the profile of Carolina Leslie
Go to the profile of Eliza Fagundes
Eliza Fagundes
Design researcher digging into things
Go to the profile of Nephi-Jor
Núcleo de Estudos e Produção Hipermídia Aplicados ao Jornalismo, parte do Grupo Hipermídia e Linguagem — CNPq (PPGJOR/UFSC) http://nephijor.ufsc.br/
Go to the profile of Rodrigo Menegat Schuinski
Go to the profile of Luiz Morais
Luiz Morais
Data Visualization Researcher
Go to the profile of Rodolfo Almeida
Rodolfo Almeida
Jornalista & Designer. Aqui jogo ideias e pensamentos sobre cultura, informação, essas coisas.
Go to the profile of Vinícius Cassio Barqueiro
Vinícius Cassio Barqueiro
Aqui, compartilho crônicas e materiais sobre futebol, educação, política, acessibilidade, design de informação e visualização de dados.
Go to the profile of Marck Al
Marck Al
Designer Gráfico e Professor. www.marckal.com / marckntz@gmail.com
Go to the profile of Fernando Hannaka
Fernando Hannaka
Project Manager, Analytics Translator
Go to the profile of mauro pinheiro
mauro pinheiro
designer · professor da Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo
Go to the profile of Ricardo Brazileiro
Ricardo Brazileiro
Computer Scientist, R&D in Creativity Support System for Digital Transformation and works with art, science, and technology.
Go to the profile of Igor Falconieri
Igor Falconieri
I'm a senior visual and product designer based in Belo Horizonte, Brazil. I specialize in user experience strategies and solutions for data visualization
Go to the profile of Glaudemias Grangeiro Junior
Go to the profile of Fernando Barbalho
Fernando Barbalho
Doctor in Business Administration from UNB (2014). As data scientist, researches and implements products for transparency in the Brazilian public sector.
Go to the profile of Tatyana Mendes
Go to the profile of Gabriela Momberg
Go to the profile of Eduarda Isiris
Go to the profile of Gabriella Sales de Macedo
Go to the profile of Olga Lopes
Go to the profile of Lucas Gomes
Lucas Gomes
Uso dados para contar histórias
Go to the profile of Adolfo Guimarães
Adolfo Guimarães
Professor e Pesquisador na área de Ciência da Computação. Áreas de interesse: #machinelearning #datascience #dataviz.
Go to the profile of Jonatan Rodrigues
Jonatan Rodrigues
Desenvolvo projetos de conteúdo e DataViz! Me inspiro em profissionais de Design e Jornalismo de Dados para contar histórias através dos números.
Go to the profile of Isabela Noronha
Isabela Noronha
Researcher in environment and society / GIS Analyst
Go to the profile of Elmo Neto
Elmo Neto
Geogeeking around.