Go to Daughters of Emotionally Absent Mothers: How to Heal and Find Yourself
Daughters of Emotionally Absent Mothers: How to Heal and Find Yourself
Emotionally absent mothers were often undermothered themselves and, therefore, don’t know the expansive nature of being a parent. They may do the external things well — cooking meals, driving carpool, cleaning house — but they’re disconnected from their child’s internal world.
Note from the editor

Emotionally absent mothers were often undermothered themselves and, therefore, don’t know the expansive nature of being a parent. They may do the external things well — cooking meals, driving carpool, cleaning house — but they’re disconnected from their child’s internal world.

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McKenna Meyers
I’m a teacher with a master’s degree in special education who writes about growing older, wiser, and stronger, politics, current events, and parenting.