Teens rebel against junk food

Ayodeji Afolabi
Dear Marketing Student
2 min readOct 29, 2016
Image credit: http://www.healthycanadians.gc.ca/

What’s going on here

A recent study published in PNAS showed that teens are more likely to reject junk food when healthy eating could be perceived as a rebellion against social injustice. The social injustice being how large corporations profit from using deceptive ad campaigns to make junk food more attractive and to portray them as healthy. But more importantly it showed educating teens on the effects of junk food was just as effective as doing nothing in terms of changing teens attitudes towards healthy eating.

What does this mean

The exposed group in the study consumed on average 3.6g less sugar than the controls. This is especially promising as the traditional health education in the classroom has shown little success among teens. Researchers look to new and creative approaches to reducing junk food consumption in teens. Which is important because of how difficult obesity is to treat. So in this context prevention is better than cure.

Why should I care

For the marketing industry

The researchers understood that teenagers have an instinct for rebelliousness and autonomy, and the value they place on social justice. They then used this quirk in human behaviour to bring about a desired outcome. One key trait of great marketers is they understand how (and why) people think and act the way they do, or simply put they understand the principles of human behaviour. Ask yourself, why is it that you get a mint with your bill at the restaurant? Why do companies show tweets about them on their website? These decisions are based on the reciprocity and social proof principles of human behaviour respectively.

For your career

Principles of human behaviour like the ones mentioned above are useful in a ton of situations not just related to marketing. The ability to master psychology is a skill that’s widely overlooked by most. But for those who are able to, it can be an incredibly useful tool to get ahead in life.

For your waistline

Consistent weight gain over time if left unchecked can lead to obesity. Just because you’re lean now doesn’t mean that will always be. All those extra calories will add up as you get older. Don’t wait until you notice you’re getting a little chubbier before you start to change unhealthy habits. Start paying more attention to what’s in your food and go to the gym once in awhile.

Dear Marketing StudenT was created by Ayo Afolabi. Click here to find out why he created it. If you like this post give it a 💚 and share! :) If you want to get in touch with us, drop us a line at Hello@dearmarketingstudent.com



Ayodeji Afolabi
Dear Marketing Student

Digital marketer | #startup enthusiast | @uwinnipeg 16' @Bcit 18' | Working to providde value | Fam @tosinAF