Register As Early As You Can

[This is part of the Debunkum Beaver Pega CLSA Guide — Preparing for Pega CLSA 7.3/7.4 Certification (Book 1), available at Google Books,, Amazon Kindle]

The moment you know that you are going to take the Application Build, just go ahead and…


[This is part of the Debunkum Beaver Pega CLSA Guide — Preparing for Pega CLSA 7.3/7.4 Certification (Book 1), available at Google Books,, Amazon Kindle]

In this section, we will focus on preparing you for the CLSA 7.3/7.4 certification.


[This is part of the Debunkum Beaver Pega CLSA Guide — Preparing for Pega CLSA 7.3/7.4 Certification (Book 1), available at Google Books,, Amazon Kindle]

As you can see, Pega CLSA 7.3/7.4 entails a lot more than the earlier certification, and it definitely requires more…