New ZeroNet version: 0.4.0 + ZeroMe decentralized, P2P social site

Published in
2 min readAug 11, 2016
ZeroMe social site on ZeroNet

It took a little bit longer, than I previously planned, but the new version (0.4.0) and the social site (ZeroMe) is out!

If you are new user you can download it from, if you have already installed it, then you can update it using the ZeroHello homepage.

After you updated your client to the latest version, a link to ZeroMe will appear in ZeroHello’s “More sites” list.

What is ZeroNet?

ZeroNet is a network that allows you to create websites without any central server on hosting provider. It’s using Bitcoin’s cryptography and the BitTorrent network.


  • We believe in open, free, and uncensored network and communication.
  • No single point of failure: Site remains online so long as at least 1 peer is serving it.
  • No hosting costs: Sites are served by visitors.
  • Impossible to shut down: It’s nowhere because it’s everywhere.
  • Fast and works offline: You can access the site even if Internet is unavailable.

Changes in 0.4.0:

- Merger site plugin. (What is Merger sites?)
- Live source code reloading: Faster core development by allowing me to make changes in ZeroNet source code without restarting it.
- New json table format for merger sites
- Database rebuild from sidebar.
- Allow to store custom data directly in json table: Much simpler and faster SQL queries.
- User file archiving: Allows the site owner to archive inactive user’s content into single file. (Reducing initial sync time/cpu/memory usage)
- Also trigger onUpdated/update database on file delete.
- Permission request from ZeroFrame API.
- Allow to store extra data in content.json using fileWrite API command.




Decentralized websites using Bitcoin crypto and the BitTorrent network —