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Remote Working

Deekit Central
Deekit Central
Stories and thoughts on remote work, startups, productivity and communication from the Deekit team and some of our good friends.
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How to find a remote job [Part 1]

At Deekit all of our team can work remotely if they want, and we love it! It puts them in control of where they will be most productive. You find all types of people in this roles and although remote work has certain challenges, the pros outweigh the cons for most.

Refining your startup message.

Emily LaFave Olson ran an awesome workshop at the “Silicon Valley Comes to the Baltics” conference on Refining your startup message using only six words. We captured the session in a sketch-note. For the startups needing help in getting the one-liner right, here’s a template…

Sketch-note: Teleport — Place scout for startup people.

Sten Tamkivi gave an awesome talk at Slush about how places are different and why startup people move around the world. He shows how Teleport helps you discover best places to be at and how in the future Teleport will help you get to…