Go to Deep Math Machine learning.ai
Deep Math Machine learning.ai
This is all about machine learning and deep learning (Topics cover Math,Theory and Programming)
Note from the editor

Hi My name is Madhu Sanjeevi, I am so passionate about AI and would like to share my knowledge through writing so this exists. This is all about machine learning and deep learning (Topics cover Math,Theory and Programming)

Go to the profile of Madhu Sanjeevi ( Mady )
Madhu Sanjeevi ( Mady )
Writes about Technology (AI, Blockchain) | interested in Programming || Science || Math https://www.linkedin.com/in/madhusanjeeviai
Go to the profile of Madhu Sanjeevi ( Mady )
Madhu Sanjeevi ( Mady )
Writes about Technology (AI, Blockchain) | interested in Programming || Science || Math https://www.linkedin.com/in/madhusanjeeviai