On magic solution media ventures…

In lieu of the news about Crooked Media, in which former Obama administration staffers are founding a new media company to fight against Trump, this is a v. necessary Twitter thread from award-winning technologist & activist Sabrina Hersei Issa, to read up on.

Because moms shouldn’t be the only ones who care about bylines

Digging this piece from Melody Kramer at Poynter about how maybe we can make journalism bylines a little more useful than just a point of pride and self validation??? And use it to like, educate readers and other civic…

royalty & representation

Today, I’m super digging this piece from BuzzFeed on The Women Who Modernized The Disney Princess, which is a great exercise in seeing how A) hiring for more gender diversity will ultimately help your company make a better product, B) the long, arduous shit you may still have to slog…

Keep calm and stay correct?

Today’s link: a really in-depth read on the evolution (and bastardization) of the phrase “politically correct” from The Guardian, (h/t to my ravioli biffle5ever Tony). Conclusion: 99% of people who drop “politically correct” in a sentence are using it so wrong, probably including…