Go to Defend Survivors
Defend Survivors
By telling the hidden truth about what survivors go through, we are shedding a light on the importance of mental health, perpetrator accountability, and trauma-informed care. We believe and defend survivors of rape, child abuse, emotional/physical/sexual abuse, DV, IPV, & trauma.
Note from the editor

By telling the hidden truth about what survivors go through, we are shedding a light on the importance of mental health, perpetrator accountability, and trauma-informed care. We believe and defend survivors of rape, child abuse, emotional/physical/sexual abuse, DV, IPV, & trauma.

Go to the profile of Paula Goodwin
Paula Goodwin
Founder of Defend Survivors. Advocate for child sexual abuse survivors to be believed, protected, defended. Domestic abuse and sexual assault advocate.
Go to the profile of Sarah C. Wilde
Sarah C. Wilde
Writer for all things real; what I’ve learned from life, surviving abuse, how fictional T.V. shows & movies inspire real emotions.
Go to the profile of Sarah C. Wilde
Sarah C. Wilde
Writer for all things real; what I’ve learned from life, surviving abuse, how fictional T.V. shows & movies inspire real emotions.