Go to Defiant
We are the loyal opposition
Note from the editor

Defiant writes about politics, media, science and sex with, well, defiance. We are big believers in science, reason and the radical power of basic decency. American patriots in a cynical gilded age. Progressives in this strange, new regressive era. Lovers among haters. Optimists despite everything. Join us … and speak truth to power.

Go to the profile of Matthew Gault
Senior Reporter
Matthew Gault
Contributing editor at Vice Motherboard. Co-host and producer of the War College podcast. Maker of low budget horror flicks. Email my twitter handle at gmail.
Go to the profile of David Axe
Founder & Editor in chief
David Axe
I write about war and make weird little movies.
Go to the profile of Janet Jay
Janet Jay
Blogs about chronic pain & health @ https://www.janetjay.com & writes & edits a nat'l magazine about chronic pain, INvisible Project, for the US Pain Foundation
Go to the profile of Ajai Raj
Ajai Raj
Go to the profile of Laura Kate Dale
Laura Kate Dale
Khalessi of Butts. Podquisition. LPVG EIC. Ex Dtoid UK EIC. Freelance @Polygon, @RockPaperShot, @Guardian, @Kotaku_UK, @VICEGaming. Laura@LetsPlayVideoGames.com
Go to the profile of Andrew Dobbs
Andrew Dobbs
Activist, organizer, and writer based in Austin, Texas.
Go to the profile of Darien Cavanaugh
Go to the profile of Sebastien A. Roblin
Go to the profile of Miguel Miranda
Miguel Miranda
Got interesting music? Reach me @helpfulmiguel
Go to the profile of Dave Unfiltered
Dave Unfiltered
Liberal curmudgeon-in-training. A bastard for peace. If you like my stuff, support me through https://www.patreon.com/dave_unfiltered
Go to the profile of Laura Muth
Laura Muth
Master of International Affairs, writer, reader, dog enthusiast. Bylines at War is Boring, Defiant, Allure, The Mary Sue, The Tempest, & beyond.
Go to the profile of Allison WB
Allison WB
Armchair anthropologist, history teacher, history student
Go to the profile of Mark Wallace
Mark Wallace
Mostly a writer. Contents: “architecture, nature, alcohol, space travel, rock ’n’ roll” and boyreporter.com for past work
Go to the profile of CEH
20 years of protecting families from toxic chemicals
Go to the profile of Gordon Moakes
Gordon Moakes
Bass-ist / writ-ist / graphic-ist: moakesy.com