Operation Alpha — The Final Mission

Published in
5 min readAug 16, 2022

The purpose of this article is to outline plans for the upcoming Alpha Mission 5 as well as several new developments we are excited to share with you with the commencement of this final mission.

- 4 Weeks of Mission 4
- 5 Phases of Mission 5
- Increased Daily $DEFY earnings
- 5 New Gameplay Items and Mechanics
- Transfer of $DEFY On-Chain to In-Game
- Uprising Mint with $DEFY
- What’s next?

4 Weeks of Mission 4

Mission 4 will be extended for a fourth week to end on 22 August 2022 2359 UTC.

We have read concerns and feedback regarding the recent increased in gameplay difficulty surrounding the release of Hunter Drones. This has affected the feasibility for some users to successfully fulfil the 100 drones destroyed requirement for Mission 4 to attain the 200 $DEFY bonus and exclusive Drone Killer decal. We hope the extension in Mission 4’s duration provides an opportunity for more users to be eligible for the bonus rewards.

In addition to that, we are also planning for the upcoming Mission 5 to be our biggest one yet, with several key releases as well as significantly increased rewards. More on this in the below section.


  • Mission 4's tokens unlock date will remain the same despite running for an additional week.
  • Users who managed to destroy 100 drones by the end of the original Mission 4 deadline of 15 August 2022 will receive an additional 200 $DEFY (400 $DEFY total) for their efforts.
  • Both FCOIN and Drones Leaderboards will be refreshed at the end of Mission 4 prior to Mission 5’s commencement (your data will be saved and viewable via a future overall leaderboards filter to show stats for ‘all-time’).
  • All Undecrypted Wallets and balance FCOIN at the end of any mission will be saved. We do not see any reason to reset anyone’s earnings moving forward altogether.

5 Phases of Mission 5

Mission 5 will run from 23 August 2022 1300 UTC to 26 September 2022 2359 UTC, however it will be split into five phases — each lasting a week.

Below is a quick overview of the five phases:

Earn up to 9x the usual $DEFY daily per mask in this Final Mission!

As you may have observed, the maximum $DEFY earnings via pledging will be significantly boosted over the course of the mission. This will be exclusive to mission 5 to celebrate the end of our Alpha before transitioning into Beta.

Boosted Pledging Rates for Early Adopters
In case you missed it, we decided to airdrop special badges to everyone who partook in the previous missions. These badges will grant a special pledging rate to all masks linked to the account based on the number of missions the Operative has taken part in:

  • Participated in 1 Alpha Mission: 40:1 pledge rate
  • Participated in 2 Alpha Missions: 35:1 pledge rate
  • Participated in 3 Alpha Missions: 30:1 pledge rate
  • Participated in all 4 Alpha Missions: 25:1 pledge rate

Gain $DEFY for Destroying Hunter Drones
Instead of meeting your daily $DEFY rewards limit exclusively via pledging FCOIN, you can choose to take down Hunter Drones as a strategy to earn $DEFY as well.

Operatives will gain 50 $DEFY for every Hunter Drone they take down via the use of an EMP. It may not be as easy as it seems, however it could prove to be an effective alternative strategy to earning $DEFY!

Note: Mission 5 Rewards unlock date will remain the same despite starting a week later.

5 New Gameplay Items and Mechanics

Given the increased difficulty in stealing wallets with the addition of Hunter Drones, we will be rolling out several new items to aid with gameplay throughout Mission 5, as well as introduce new gameplay mechanics.

1. (New Item) EMP Device
(fully operational from Mission 5 Phase 1)
Some of you may have already purchased an EMP from the in-app Black Market in advance at an early discount via a special link. This will finally be operational with the commencement of Mission 5.

2. (New Item) Capacitor
(fully operational from Mission 5 Phase 1)
This item provides you the ability to recharge your energy on the go. This is important as your EMP will be a heavy energy consumer.

3. (New Item) Cloaking Device
(scheduled for sometime during Mission 5)
This item will allow Operatives to go undetected by a nearby Hunter Drone’s radar for a limited duration to prevent themselves from being targeted.

4. (New Item) Upload Boost
(scheduled for sometime during Mission 5)
This grants Operatives the ability to consume more energy to double the upload speed rate when stealing wallets.

5. (New Gameplay Mechanic) Mask Battery Health
(fully operational from Mission 5 Phase 1)
Battery Health refers to the maximum energy recharging capacity of your mask. While energy naturally recovers by 1% every minute up to 100% when full, your mask’s maximum capacity will start to decrease by 1% for every certain amount of energy is consumed. In other words, your masks battery health and ability to store energy degrades with use over time.

There will be a minimum capacity to prevent masks from going all the way down to 0%. Both the minimum capacity and rate of deterioration will vary based on the different tiers of masks (Genesis, Uprising, and Generic).

A new item (Battery Replacement) will be made available for purchase in-game via $DEFY to repair your mask’s battery capacity.

Note: A detailed patch notes article will be released later this week to cover all the recent and upcoming additions to gameplay.

Transfer of $DEFY On-Chain to In-Game

We are currently working towards enabling the transfer of $DEFY from on-chain to in-game via our website. This is scheduled to happen around the time of Mission 5's commencement.

Uprising Mint with $DEFY

We will be launching our mint site and enabling users to mint an Uprising mask with $DEFY (either obtained via exchanges or utilising in-game locked tokens) around the time of Mission 5’s commencement.

In case you missed it, we have outlined a new rollout plan for the remaining Uprising Masks mint. Read more here.

What’s next?

Over the next few days, as we come towards the end of Mission 4, we will be sharing further information on some of the other developments we currently have ongoing via sneak peaks. This includes 3D assets for the Drone Chassis as part of the AR gameplay planned for the near future.

There will also be an article detailing all of the latest changes and additions made to gameplay as of last week to catch you up to speed.

There are more Gameplay Mechanics and App Updates currently in development aimed for a Q3 release, however without any fixed timeline. This includes a Mask Levelling and Skill Trees System, as well as an overall User Interface (UI) makeover to give the app a fresher look prior to transitioning into Beta.

About DEFY Labs

DEFY Labs is passionate about building the next generation tools and platforms that allow users to view and interact with NFTs and other digital collectibles in the real world. DEFY Labs’ vision of the metaverse is one that involves merging the virtual and physical worlds in a compelling and inspiring way.

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