It’s 5 O’Clock Somewhere

Adam Rogers
Delivering DeskBeers
1 min readApr 6, 2016

Friday beers are special. When we first started DeskBeers it was the traditional Friday beers in offices across London that we wanted to help make great. In the intervening years (!) that we’ve been making deliveries we’ve opened up our delivery area to the whole of the UK and, with our Special Delivery offering, we opened up our delivery days to any weekday.

Now we’re pleased to announce that DeskBeers can ship your Regular Delivery any day of the working week, too!

Gratuitous shot of some pretty Magic Rock beer cans

​With this new superpower you can order your DeskBeers to be delivered every one, two or four weeks on any day of the working week that is convenient for you.

Worried you’ll miss your Friday beers because of a team lunch? Have them delivered on Thursday instead. All-hands meeting is every Wednesday afternoon? We’ve got you covered.

You can even “pause” deliveries to any working day whenever you like. This means you can skip around the week as you see fit, getting fresh craft beer delivered whenever you need it.

So, with the poignancy only country music can provide, I urge you to join me in clicking this link, cracking open a cold one and singing along:

It’s 5 O’Clock Somewhere

