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Software Engineering

Deliveroo Engineering
Deliveroo Engineering
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Every service is an island

Posted by Julien Letessier on Monday, March 27, 2017

We had an incident yesterday. It wasn’t that bad as incidents go, but it got me really worried — it’s something that has the potential to become much worse as we move towards a distributed, multi-service…

Scaling Rails 3.old

Posted by Michael Groble on Monday, March 13, 2017

We’re not particularly proud that we are still using Rails 3.2, but we are extremely proud of scaling our traffic over the last few years. Our new services are built in Rails 5, but we still have a hefty chunk of…

Optimising Redis storage, part two

Posted by Julien Letessier on Thursday, January 19, 2017

Counting unique users, checking if a credit card has already been used, or checking if this is a mobile user’s first visit ever — all of these require maintaining a large set of…

Running A/B tests on our hosting infrastructure

Posted by Julien Letessier on Monday, September 19, 2016

Split testing is a cornerstone of how we improve our products. While we usually run such tests for user-visible interface changes, this is an example of running a…