How to get started on the Deloitte Digital Connect Medium publication

David Scurr
Deloitte Digital Connect
3 min readFeb 9, 2023
Photo by Sincerely Media on Unsplash

Welcome to the Deloitte Digital Connect Medium publication. We invite you to write about your digital work here!

Here are the essentials to get started…

What is Medium?

Medium is a free-to-access online publishing platform. Users set up profile pages and publish their posts. They can also add their post to a publication. We’ll talk you through how to get this set up for Deloitte Digital Connect.

Why do we use Medium for open working?

We use Medium for open working on the Deloitte Digital Connect programme because it is a great way of collecting everyone’s journeys and experiences in one place.

Unlike the main CAST publication (in which we host a wide range of stories from partners, CAST staff and digital specialists), the Deloitte Digital Connect publication is reserved for stories from programme participants, with the occasional CAST staff post.

This is a dedicated space for personal reflections. Generally, the profile pages are owned by individuals, rather than being representative of whole organisations. This brings independence, and can be useful when minimising levels of approval at an organisational level.

It can be easier for senior / comms teams to approve publication of personal accounts on a shared programme platform, than of an official blog, formally published on the organisation’s own site.

How to get started?

To get started you need to be added as a writer for this publication.

Step 1: How to get added as a writer on Deloitte Digital Connect Medium

  1. Sign up for a account.
  2. Email your Medium username or page URL to the CAST team at (or directly to Sonya and David if easier).
  3. Wait for an email confirming you have been added as a writer to the Deloitte Digital Connect Medium. This will usually be on the same day.

Step 2: How to publish your first post

  1. Write your first Medium post. You can start this as soon as you have a Medium account.
  2. Add your post to the Deloitte Digital Connect Medium. It will also appear on your own Medium page too.
  3. Sonya or David will publish your post. You’ll receive a confirmation email.

Too much text?
Here’s a quick step-by-step video to help you get started:

How to become a writer on the Deloitte Digital Connect Medium publication — Watch Video

A GIF showing the homepage of Medium publication.

What to write about?

You can write simple and short weeknotes. Aim for 100–200 words first. We welcome formal and informal thoughts, updates and reflections from your work. Be open. Share what you’re doing and learning. It benefits everyone when you do.

We’ll also invite you to write some reflections in the lead-in or as follow-up the Peer Support session.

You can write a longer blog. That’s welcome too.

You can include pictures, quotes and even gifs if you like.

You can also post something else. YouTube and other video platform links can be embedded into Medium posts.

Get ideas and 12 templates to help you write weeknotes and blogs.

4 writing tips

  1. Write in short sentences.
  2. Break up your paragraphs.
  3. Use sub-headings (like we have done here). This helps people read your post.
  4. You can use the Hemingway webapp to check your writing’s readability. We do this sometimes.

We welcome everyone

You might work for a charity, Deloitte or in another role across the programme. Your views and thoughts are welcome here.

We look forward to welcoming you as a writer :)

This post is an updated version of an original post written by Joe Roberson in January 2022 for the first Deloitte Digital Connect cohort. It’s co-authored by David and Sonya from the CAST team.



David Scurr
Deloitte Digital Connect

Passionate about tech for good & community building / Programme Lead at CAST / Founder, Tech for Good Brighton / Founding Member, Tech for Good UK/ @david_scurr