DERO Monthly Update

3 min readSep 30, 2019


September 2019

As we move forward into the final quarter of this year, we have started to roll out some of our roadmap goals, both from our development team and the Foundation. Before we dive into them, we would like to thank our very dedicated community for their help in shaping the future landscape of our humble project. Your continued support has and will continue to advance the worldwide adoption of open and borderless privacy systems.

Many of you have noticed that we started to release our new logo to certain social media platforms and exchanges. Thanks to Eric Jordan, DERO has a fresh and versatile brand image as we move toward deploying private smart contracts on our mainnet. We will be releasing a full press kit with the Phase 4 deployment, but we will be sure to make our new logo available as we move forward. The branding initiative is still on track to meet our Q4 deployment goal. As mentioned in our previous update, we outlined the process and progress made. To provide an update, we are nearing the end of Phase 2, but development of our new website has already begun. As a reminder, the process is outlined below:

Phase 1: Logomark
Phase 2: Motion and Sonic Branding
Phase 3: Web and Print Design
Phase 4: Q4 Deployment

We are excited to announce some details of our effort to introduce more decentralization and participation to our platform, which we believe can be improved by implementing the RandomX proof-of-work algorithm. For those that are reading about this for the first time:

RandomX is a proof-of-work (PoW) algorithm that is optimized for general-purpose CPUs. RandomX uses random code execution (hence the name) together with several memory-hard techniques to minimize the efficiency advantage of specialized hardware.

The algorithm will go live on our testnet on October 31, 2019. We encourage all of our community members to participate in the testing of our golang implementation and become familiar with the mining process. Since DERO will become mineable via CPU, we hope to see more nodes on our network. Please see the links below to get started:

We will provide full details about the mining process and technical information related to our RandomX implementation when it goes live on our testnet.

We are pleased to announce that CITEX has been added to our growing list of exchanges. It has been a pleasure working with their team and hope that our community will enjoy more market diversity.

CITEX Announcement

Trading Pairs

Be sure to spread the word and participate in their DERO giveaway. Details can be found in their official twitter post.

Happy trading!

Thank you all for your continued support!

Privacy together.

Do you want to allow users to buy your merchandise or service by using DERO? Please feel free to reach out at

Join the DERO community!




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How to Mine DERO

Learn more about DERO on our website



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Privacy Advocate. Team @DEROProject and @DERO_Foundation.