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Deru Kugi
Deru Kugi
Immovable Object
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The Mysteries of Zūja-Go

The slang of Tokyo’s underbelly (Argots, Part 4/ Taishō, Part 4)

While researching the Asakusa (浅草) amusement district, popular during the Taishō period (大正時代, 1912–26), I ran across a curious term: acharaka (アチャラカ)…

Asakusa Movies

The Tokugawa Times Square becomes a foundry for new forms (Taishō Part 3A)

During the time of the Tokugawa bakufu (徳川幕府, 1600–1868), the pre-modern city of Edo (江戸) began to grow as the place from which the shogun (将軍) ruled…