User’s mind is the big fish we should catch as UX designer (5 Psychology principle of UX design)

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5 min readDec 5, 2022
Brain Catching

Human mind is so powerful because they drive us in life. Sometimes, we didn’t realize to think something and it happen directly after that and shadowing our act. The power of human mind could effects human behavior. American Psychological Association said that human mind and human behavior are main characters of Psychology.

How is it relate in UX?

The important part in UX (User Experience) is human’s behavior, so that’s why we as UX Designer should pay attention to human psychology to make the best result later on. Bellow I listed some psychology principle that could help you get the fine design.


First thing is identity, like a human product need identity too. Creating identity is crucial phase and being unique is the best way to increase brand awareness of your product. Because people identify them according of what they use. For instance:

“I don’t want to use android, only Apple’s products”

Apple’s product

What we can do to increase product awareness?

Here’s some few trick

Build unique company, show the world what the value that you want to bring and share, define your brand in one word, and find the truth statement.

Caring is the basic human behavior that every human like, so show that you care about your users.

Thanks Page

Don’t forget to ask for feedback from users, but don’t too often because it’s so annoying sometime.


After asked them a feedback it is better to reward for their feedback, give them voucher or anything

Reward Page


Time is precious and time is money, so basic human behavior is doesn’t want to spend much time to doing things. So, this principle talk about how we as UX designer, designing with pay attention of user’s time.

Here’s some few tricks:

Live example is much better than bunch of paragraph text. Text seem boring and need more time to understanding, live example is more practices and need shorter time for users to understand.

On-Boarding Page

Make sure all information is meaningful, short, clear and important if the case you should use text. But take a look of Occam’s Razor principle.

A lot of information should be grouping, filtering, sorting. That’s why search bar is really helping for this situation.

Make button or text as their function: reduce understanding time and prevent a mistake happen

Clickable Image
Design System

Emotional Contagion

We act like what we saw and heard, we would feel sad when hearing sad music or sad story, we would feel happy if see baby’s laughter, and another example. Emotion are contagious, we subconsciously take over the emotion and behaviors of other people, especially of those we like. What we can do as UX designer?

Our design should contain emotional pictures or emotional stories to make users have the same emotion

Emotional Stories

Attention, and Concentration

The maximum attention span of adult is 10–20 minutes, according to most studies. How could we increase retention of not focus?

Here’s some few tricks to our design:

Avoid or reduce distraction

Break into some chunk the monotonous distract routine

Don’t use pop ups, banner, sound etc.

Product has to stand out

Stand Out Product

They need to understand where is the beginning and the end of the process they engage in. This linear with “Goal-gradient effect”.

“time line” progress bar

Progress Bar

The psychology of mistake

“Everybody make a mistake in life”

That is the popular quote, about how we as human can not totally clean making mistake. But, we could minimalist it. User testing is the way we could do to know and predict where users may make a mistake.

Here’s some few tips:

For some serious actions we need to add action confirmation or email verification

Action Confirmation

Undo button is life saver to make users feel in control

Undo Button

Let users know about where they made mistake

“Please include an @ in the email address”

Article above is summary of many UX Psychology principle, If you want to learn more about Psychology on UX field let’s check here. There’s a list of study guide complete with resources. And if you want to know another principle of UI/UX you could check on my previous article here

Thank you, don’t hesitate to give me a feedback. Feel free to comment and contact me. Have a nice day y’all.

