Healthcare trend report: 2018 and beyond

Inside you’ll find trends in healthcare UX and a look at how our healthcare system could operate in the near-future.

Design Intelligence
2 min readFeb 16, 2018


Right now, if you polled your friends and family about the reason for their last doctor’s visit, they’d likely tell you it was because something was wrong with them. In these instances, healthcare really stands in for sick care instead of preventative care. But given the imminent mergers between insurance providers and health and wellness companies, as well as emerging technology, healthcare as we know it is changing and will continue to do so in 2018 and beyond.

To highlight these trends and to better prepare healthcare designers and leaders for what’s to come, we’ve packaged our thoughts in a downloadable trend report.

We reveal our picks for the key healthcare user experience trends that we believe can and should be accelerated by politics, technology, and an increased focus on design, which include:

  • New business models in health insurance
  • New offerings in frontline care
  • Leveraging wellness approaches to manage chronic disease
  • Mediating the physician-patient experience
  • Bringing machine intelligence to clinical decision-making

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