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Design Your Life
Design Your Life
Irene Au’s musings on design and living mindfully
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The Lazy Bodhisattva

I discovered this lovely poem by my friend Chade-Meng Tan, in his book Search Inside Yourself:

The Lazy Bodhisattva

With deep inner peace,
And great compassion,
Aspire daily to save the world.
But do not strive to achieve it.
Just do whatever comes naturally.
Because when aspiration is…

Yoga for Designers

Last week UXPA Magazine published my article on “Mindful Design: What the UX World Can Learn from Yoga” (also reprinted in a previous post on Medium). The article describes how mindfulness practices like meditation and yoga can benefit designers throughout the lifecycle of design activities…

Mindful Design: What the UX World Can Learn from Yoga

This article is reprinted from the September 2013 issue of UXPA Magazine.

“Yoga will change your life.” I will never forget these words that my husband, who has practiced a tradition of meditation for 25 years…

Mindful Design in Japan

At the Wisdom 2.0 conference last February I spoke about Zen and Design and what it means to design mindfully. While vacationing in Japan last week, I was delighted to see how public spaces there are full of examples of mindful design. For example, consider something as mundane as…