Go to Design Critique*
Design Critique*
Design thought applied and considered.
Note from the editor

Design thought applied and considered.

Go to the profile of Preston Attebery
Preston Attebery
Designer + Founder / Building virtual 🏙️ at www.blockcities.co
Go to the profile of DesignCue
On demand app design. Get a quote in seconds to work with @google and @lyft designers #betterweb
Go to the profile of Preston Attebery
Preston Attebery
Designer + Founder / Building virtual 🏙️ at www.blockcities.co
Go to the profile of Aly Merritt
Aly Merritt
Tardy Twitter user. Regular objector to traffic idiots. Reader of everything. Into startups & tech. @Switchyards enthusiast. Head of Community @SalesLoft