30 Days of Creativity 2021

Nat Jones
Designing Atlassian
3 min readSep 16, 2021

During 2020, Atlassians channeled their fear, frustration, and focus, and joined in on the 30 days of creativity during COVID. The premise was simple. Create something every day for 30 days in the same material and theme.

This year we were again experiencing stay-at-home orders, with an every-rising daily COVID infection count, but despite this, Atlassians dug deep, tapped into their creativity, and took on another 30-day challenge.

The Trello board from 2021

The highs and lows of the challenge

Creating something every day for 30 days in the same material and theme is both daunting and exhilarating, depending on your view of a half-full/empty glass. Why some of the greatest artists have used this process - Asimov, Wassily Kandinsky, Philippe Baudelocque, Keith Haring, and Lefty Out There.

Feedback from the 50 or so legendary Atlassians that took part, was they were glad to have participated. Many people find the removal of expectations freeing — it becomes about the process and not the output. Coupled with the satisfaction of looking back at a month’s worth of work, the encouraging comments (and inspiration) others gave along the way, and the incredibly inspiring work of others.

Show me some of the creative magic…

Here is a small selection of the variety of works created over the course of the 30 days.

Carissa Gadil — Sketching
Daniel Kerris — 3D SVG
Blake Fawcett — Houses on my Street
Harrison Dempsey — 3D
Anish Deenah — Object haiku
Linette Voller — iPad sketches
James Rotanson — Nautical watercolor
Daniel Simmonds — Portraits

Sounds great, how do I run it?

If this is something you’re looking to run yourself, find all the details in last years blog. We found it useful in dealing with this interminable pandemic but it can also be used for team-building events.

