Get ready for the new Morpheus “Apollo” update

Riccardo Montagnin
Desmos Network
Published in
2 min readJul 12, 2021

Last week we described how our on-chain upgrade did not went as we planned, and ended up corrupting most validators’ nodes. This caused the chain to halt and we decided to start a brand new one to solve all the problems.

Today we are happy to announce that we successfully create a new genesis state that will be used to launch a new Morpheus “Apollo” testnet tomorrow Tuesday June 13th at 08:00 UTC.

The new chain will have id morpheus-apollo-2 and its genesis state has been obtained by running a migration script against the morpheus-apollo-1 state exported at height 1,045,649 (the last block produced).

All the data, including the Desmos version to be used, the migration script and the genesis state can be found inside our GitHub repository.

If you want, you can also use this script in order to seamlessly clean your validator node and get it ready for the new chain start. Note that if you use this script your node will hang until the chain start with the following message:

INF Genesis time is in the future. Sleeping until then... genTime=2021-07-13T08:00:00Z

Once that time is reached, if enough validators are online the chain will start. It will contain all the data that morpheus-apollo-1 used to have, so you don’t need to re-create your validator. Just make sure your node is up and running before the genesis time!

We really hope to have a smooth chain start and to be able to test the new features accordingly in the upcoming month before the mainnet launch.

Once again, thanks to all the validators that have supported us and are always ready to help us fix the bugs 🙏.



Riccardo Montagnin
Desmos Network

I’ve got too many places where to write my bio, so if you wanna see the updated one go to Twitter: