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Generating new content to learn new stuff. 🔭 I’m currently working at everis 🌱 I work with .NET (Xamarin, Web Api, WebForms, MVC and Blazor). 💜 I love to work with .NET and C#, but like chalenges in Python and Data mining.
Note from the editor

Generating new content to learn new stuff. 🔭 I’m currently working at everis 🌱 I work with .NET (Xamarin, Web Api, WebForms, MVC and Blazor). 💜 I love to work with .NET and C#, but like chalenges in Python and Data mining.

Go to the profile of Anderson Salles
Anderson Salles
full-stack developer at Acolweb
Go to the profile of Anderson Salles
Anderson Salles
full-stack developer at Acolweb