web.dev status update, 14th Nov 2018

Rob Dodson
Dev Channel
Published in
2 min readNov 15, 2018

Hey folks,

I wanted to check-in with everyone since our last status update. Here are the bugs we’re currently tracking:

Sites that use HTTP/2 being reported as not using HTTP/2

This is a side effect of the way our internal infrastructure is handling HTTP/2 requests. While we work on this issue we’re going to temporarily disable the
so folks don’t get false reports.

PWAs being reported as not being PWAs (i.e. “Missing service worker”)

Similar to the above issue. Our internal infrastructure is bailing early during the offline testing phase, so it is claiming most things are not PWAs. For now we’re going to turn this category off on web.dev, and track the bugfix in this issue.

Only running audits against the HTTPS version of a URL

This should be fixed on the site 😁 If you omit the protocol entirely we’ll default to testing http://, or you can manually enter the protocol as either http:// or https://

Frequent profile sign-outs

We’re chasing down a fix for this. Hope to have a more consistent signed-in experience later this week 🤞

Clicking ‘View Report’ shows errors in the Accessibility category that were not shown on web.dev. Example report that demonstrates this issue.

Lighthouse will flag some tests as “not applicable” but there was a mismatch in the variable names, which made those audits look like failures in our report. This should be fixed in Lighthouse and web.dev now.

Thank you again for all of the bug reports, they are super helpful! We’ll continue posting status updates as things roll out 🚂

