I encountered #Laptops4Developers on the verge of giving up

There is no interview I do that I don’t mention DevCareer

Ibukunoluwa Samuel
4 min readMay 12, 2022


Lawal Mukhtar
Lawal Mukhtar

Self-learning combined with a bootcamp experience where you have access to mentors, structured courses, and an inclusive community that cares about your growth produces such a fine mix. We spoke to Lawal Mukhtar, a frontend/mobile engineer at Bazara Limited to understand what it’s like to learn tech on your own.

How did you hear about DevCareer vis-a-vis #Laptops4Developers
I heard about DevCareer while surfing the internet, specifically Twitter. I was basically what you will describe as a Twitter junkie.

Nice! What was the registration, and assessment like?
When I submitted my application, I never thought I would get into the program. This is because I always felt unlucky when it comes to participating in stuff (giveaway) on Twitter. I was at the lowest point of my life when I got selected and that made me super happy.

The assessment was beginner-friendly and doesn’t require you to be an expert in the field. All you need is a basic understanding of the field you are applying for.

Interesting! Have you been around your chosen field before you happened on #Laptops4Developers
I won’t really say I have, back then I was learning on my own without any guidance which was quite tough. I struggled with what to learn, how, and why to learn it.

Were you a Computer Science student? Briefly narrate your journey into tech?
I was not a computer science student. For the most part in my teen, I didn’t even know about the existence of the term programming. Growing up, I used to think a computer is all about hardware, Excel, and Microsoft Word. I started getting familiar with programming after I came across an advert on TV. From there I started learning on my own with little progress because I was jumping from one stack to another.

If you have been learning a tech field on your own and would like to mix that with guided mentorship, structured course content, hub subscription, and a free laptop courtesy of DevCareer and its amazing sponsors, use this link to apply.

During the bootcamp, how was the hub beneficial, the learning itself, how were the resources, mentors, and were they of any help?
Kudos to Cchub and DevCareer, they really made the experience worthwhile. They made sure nothing hindered our learning. The mentors, resources, and everyone at DevCareer paved the way for what I am today. There is no interview I do, that I don’t mention DevCareer because that was the turning point of my life. I was presented a life-changing opportunity in the form of #Laptops4Developers when I was on the verge of giving up and I grabbed it with both hands.

Do you feel supported based on the resources you benefited from during the bootcamp and how long before you got a job?

I absolutely do. Without Devcareer I don’t think I could ever make it into becoming a software engineer.
After the bootcamp, I wasn’t fortunate to secure a job immediately. But I kept grinding with the confidence instilled in me during the bootcamp. I got my first job 4 months after the bootcamp. The feeling was topnotch, It was as if I literally just made it in life *lol*

Away from the bootcamp, what is a typical workday like for you at your current workplace?
I spend most of my day writing codes without getting tired. I received praises from my employer on my work ethic, all thanks to what I learned from the bootcamp.

What would you recommend as a starter pack for people who are just venturing into a tech field?
I believe understanding the basics of any field is essential, spend quality time understanding the fundamentals. You can’t escape it, don’t rush your learning, find a suitable pace that fits. Keep learning.

What informed your decision to major in frontend engineering?

My love for providing visible solutions to problems resulted in starting out as a frontend engineer.

If frontend engineering wasn’t in the picture, what would you be found doing?
If I wasn’t a programmer, I think I will be in the military (Naval officer)

What are you currently watching on Netflix or reading?
On Netflix, I am watching blood sisters (peer pressure) *lol*

How did tech change your life?
In summary, tech moved me from a low-level graduate looking to understand his purpose in life to an amazing individual building solutions that are used by many people. The joy in knowing people are making use of the product I built to make life easier is indescribable. I was once someone with no future, no focus, thanks to tech, the story has changed for the better. Though I’m not yet where I want to be, the future keeps looking better.

DevCareer runs a number of programs with the goal of supporting tech talents such as:

  1. #Laptops4Developers: A yearly 3-month long program to support aspiring developers and designers on their journey to become word-class with laptops, courses, and mentorships.
  2. A DevCareer community on Slack. Use this link to join over 10000 tech enthusiasts who support one another.
  3. A DevCareerXProgate scholarship that gives 5000 community members access to pro-plan on Progate to learn any course of choice, exclusive to community members.

