Azeezat Balogun
Published in
3 min readAug 21, 2019
during the physical interview at hub 67.
During the physical interview

A s a youngster, I have always wanted to make changes in the world! Looking around while growing up, I saw a lot of abnormalities that needed to be changed. Journeying into adulthood, I have tried to do that over the years through various capacities. As a 21st century adult, I knew approaches previously taken to make changes have to be updated to flow with tides of change if indeed I want to make changes. Having studied Human nutrition and dietetics at the University gave me tons of reasons, in addition, to make changes in the world. No doubt, technology has proven to be very effective in doing this; you want to make a change, you have to be current with the latest technologies. I began to wonder how those changes can be achieved such that I will not be repeating what other young leaders in my field are doing to achieve the same/different goal(s), I just wanted to do things differently. Through conversations, research and observations, I concluded on leveraging on the power of data and technology to make changes. This prompted me to kick-start the journey to becoming a developer.

Thoughts are indeed useless when they are not backed up by actions. I began to research for opportunities in this field and I came across DevCareer. Though skeptical about the opening, I proceeded to apply for the opportunity in….. through July 2019. At the last stage of the selection process, the physical interview, I met different persons: new and experienced, self-taught and trained. I had this feeling of being not enough but discarded the feeling immediately I remembered I was there to win!

Luckily, I was chosen as a participant for the cohort and unfortunately, I had secured a job as at the time. I gave the opportunity lots of thoughts and decided there is no success story without sacrifices, I had to let go of the job. Being a newbie, I doubted if I would be able to meet up with the requirements and pace but I have been surrounded with co-participants who are not only supportive but encouraging, positive vibes everywhere!

First week at dev careers

During my first week at DevCareer, I was taken through the basics of android development through Udacity, exposed to the use of slack as a means of communication during the internship. Through Slack, one can create groups and channels for different purposes; conversations thus specialized. I was also exposed to the use of Medium for blogging (I have always loved blogging), Pivotal Tracker for project management, Git hub for version control system (through which I created a pull request for the first time in my life; I call that a milestone!) and Trello for task management and Pluralsight for amazing courses. I was exposed to team management, good interpersonal communication as well as multitasking (it was really not easy, but I coped).

DevCareer in addition, provided me with the opportunity to be mentored by expert developers in the field of Android development and other fields: Sultan, Chidi Bartholomew Okoye, Olagoke Tobi Enoch as well as amazing teammates (Ajeigbe John O. Akinsoji Hammed Adisa Temiloluwa Abiodun-Ojo AYOMIKUN EMMANUEL Marho Onothoja Hajarah Olamide Osunkunle Olanrewaju owojori ernest @ajagbetundea) to work with. They have been a source of motivation to become better every day. I have been provided a super-conducive workspace, power supply for as long as I want to remain in the hub, good internet connectivity and of course, a good laptop.

I sincerely look forward to week two and what it holds, we move!

