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Devlin Delves In… To Software Development
Devlin Delves In… To Software Development
At the beginning of 2018, I gave up my job as an Immigration solicitor and began training with 8th Light as a software crafter. In this blog, I explain the learning and research I have undertaken since I began my new career.
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Sinatra Data Persistence Using Only Params 1 — Sinatra Battleships Project Part 4

In my previous post, I explained the basics of Sinatra — how to set up your first GET route, making use of embedded Ruby templates and the erb Sinatra method, and how to start a local server…

Introduction to Sinatra — Sinatra Battleships Project Part 3

In my previous post, we created a very simple Sinatra application to demonstrate how embedded Ruby works, and now we will delve much deeper into Sinatra itself. In my internet travels, I found precious few tutorials on…

Embedded Ruby Explained — Sinatra Battleships Project Part 2

In the first part of this series on my first Sinatra web project, I explained on a general level the different tools we would be using to create a web application using Ruby. In this post, we’ll take an in-depth look at how…