Does Ozempic Lower Your Blood Sugars and Reduce Your Need for Insulin Intake? A Personal Experience

Steve Bartos
Diabetes a Personal Journal
7 min readApr 5, 2019


Photo by Akash Deep on Unsplash

A Lifetime of Never Forgetting

As I was walking with my number one motivator and companion Kahlúa I thought to myself having diabetes means a lifetime of never forgetting about it. You wake in the morning, and the first thing you do is poke yourself with a lancet and measure your morning sugar. Your next actions are guided by the flashing number on the blood sugar meter. This palm-sized electronic device guides every part of your routine for the day. Another stick at lunch, one before dinner, and one before bed. Living with diabetes and maintaining a healthy blood sugar requires an individual to be proactive in monitoring their blood sugars for the remainder of their life.

The repeated small blood draws and associated meter readings provide the information needed to adjust carbohydrate consumption along with the proper insulin doses one must take to keep blood sugars in a healthy range. Losing the envelope on maintaining this routine even for a day can cause wild variations on sugar levels. Any lack of diligence by myself on routine monitoring can result in overall physical and mental states that are shaped by the highs and lows of blood sugar levels. When my sugars are too high, I become drowsy and feel as if I could fall asleep standing up. If the…



Steve Bartos
Diabetes a Personal Journal

Providing insights on environmental issues, entrepreneurship, & other topics to become the "Entrepreneur of Your Own Life."