Day 212 or “The Day Stormy Doesn’t Get Deported”

Evan Leybourn
Diary of a Single(ish) Dad
2 min readAug 21, 2017

Stormy wakes just before 7am. She slowly staggers past me towards the sofa. I follow her with exaggerated movements but freeze every time she turns around. I have her giggling within a minute.

It’s a stressful morning. Technically Stormy has overstayed her Singaporean visa while I was out of the country. An oversight compounded by a pile of unopened letters on my table. After ToastBox the first stop is to my office to print a letter and then to the Ministry of Manpower (and yes, to my non-Singaporean friends I know how that sounds) to resolve this. Happily for me, Singapore is a highly efficient country. Within 5 minutes of walking in the door, I walk out again with a new Dependents Pass for Stormy. No fuss, no problem.

As we’re already late to school, I take her to the doctor to check on some lumps behind her knee. She’s really well behaved through all this. This only means one thing. Ice cream.

I do eventually get her to school. We spend the taxi ride tickling each other.

There’s a small tantrum before dinner. She want’s to watch cartoons during dinner. I hold firm and within 15 minutes she’s at the table shoveling salmon into her mouth. Victory is mine.

« First Day | ‹ Yesterday (Day 211) | Tomorrow (Day 213) › | Final Day »



Evan Leybourn
Diary of a Single(ish) Dad

Business Geek in a three piece suit: Everything from Agile Business Management (author of Directing the Agile Organisation) to 30's pulp SF. Tweets are my own.