I can’t stand to walk ,
therapeutic: having a beneficial effect on the…
Rules are made to be broken. Its like when you cook food which is created to be eaten. You don’t just follow…
My conversation among friends created a question. A question I think we all need to face…
Fear is like balloon that inflates the more we feed it. The more fear we have the more we quake in our boots and forget to…
I have completed my first book. Full and through but I’m finding the Query process a bit aggravating. I would self publish but as it stands I don’t have the money to self publish my book. Let me begin with displaying my query letter for you in bits and pieces. (The awfulness might be…
We are all trying to reach our own measure of success. How do we judge success? By what we own? By who we know? By what we do? By…
You will never become strong of mind if you continue to complain about everything. A strong mind knows that focusing on what we need to get better is where the worth is in ourselves.