Go to Differences that make a difference
Differences that make a difference
Short essays about social change approaches with promise
Note from the editor

While the title comes from the writing of anthropologist Gregory Bateson, the inspiration for the publication is Pragmatist William James, who wrote: “there can be no difference anywhere that doesn’t make a difference elsewhere.” These essays describe social change approaches where one or more key design, implementation and/or measurement elements were “differences that made a difference.”

Go to the profile of K. P. Greiner
K. P. Greiner
Passionate about human rights and social change. More writing at www.kpgreiner.com. Social and Behaviour Change Team, @UNICEF Dakar, Senegal
Go to the profile of Becki Brown
Becki Brown
A reluctant optimist, I use writing to talk myself down from the perpetual threat of existential crises. more musings @ https://beckibrown.net/