
‘Digging Up Bones’ late-May Newsletter

Back to our regular issues starting June!

Vera-Marie Landi
Digging Up Bones


Photo by Sabbra Cadabra on Unsplash

We’re having fun digging up embarrassing stories and bloopers during May and put out two issues so far. If we receive more stories, we’ll run one more before the month is out.

June issues

Back to our regular issues, meaning you may send any story to be highlighted in the next addition — as long as it follows the GUIDELINES — please do read them.

As always, we’ll run a new issue every few weeks or so, depending on how many stories are submitted to us.

And — in addition to regular stories — the next issue, #16, will ALSO have the extra topic (not mandatory) — please note, I’m saying ‘extra,’ meaning you may send any story, as I mentioned above — or one that matches the TOPIC for the next issue, which happens to be:


#16 EXTRA Topic:

Encounters with Animals in the Wild (not pets or insects).

Have you ever had a bear jump out in front of you, or a family of geese cross the road and hold up traffic — you know, an unexpected encounter? I’d love to hear about it. The funnier, scarier, more ridiculous — the better.

You may send one or two single stories to be highlighted in the topic section, or put them in a list of up to three — your choice.

If you do send a LIST please label it with that issue’s topic — your medium name. (Example: Encounters with Wild Animals — VM Landi.)


Please note: Stories may be sent at any time. Just open your story, copy the URL from the top of the page, and add it to the comments section of the most recent story, newsletter, or issue.

NEW! NEW! NEW! Another Way to Highlight Your Stories

Oh, this is going to be fun — I’m asking you to write a short story and YOU highlight three to six of your stories.

‘Digging Up Bones’ — Anthology of Your Old Stories

Here is a sample of the first one I put together — it’s easy — give it a try!
Short Anthology of My Best Older Stories

Thanks to all of you who read, clap, highlight, comment, and contribute stories to this publication. It wouldn’t be alive and well without you!



Vera-Marie Landi
Digging Up Bones

I'm retired, love spending time with family, writing, and working on 3 pubs: 'Dancing My Way Through Life,' 'Digging Up Bones,' and 'Women Who Use Tools.'