
June is Busting Out All Over!

Time to dig out more old stories to be reread, anything from Jan. 2024 and older

Vera-Marie Landi
Digging Up Bones


Photo by Christopher Luther on Unsplash

Writing new stories while your old ones sit and collect dust, is like making a new meal when you have perfectly good leftovers in the refrigerator! — Vera-Marie Landi

Recent doings

Two issues of ‘Bloopers and Embarrassing Moments’ (special edition of Digging Up Bones) were sent out during May.

Issue #16 of our regular edition went out June 1, as promised.

!NEW! We added a new grouping of stories called ‘Anthologies.’

YOU write a short, fresh story, and YOU highlight 3 to 6 of your own stories with a short description. It will be published in our pub on its own— no need to wait for the next publication. See details here.

Coming up

I’m putting together Issue #17 — Room for at least five more stories.

I spend quite a bit of time digging these up myself, it would be so much easier if you looked back and found one for me. After all, you would like them read again, yes????

Please, just follow the guidelines, then send the URL in the comments below.

As always, any story older than 4 months may be sent — but we do have a topic for each issue, WHICH IS NOT MANDATORY.

The topic for issue #17 is Hilarious Kids.

I know you all know one, whether it’s your own or someone else’s, and I’m sure you’ve already told a story about at least one of them.

So — in addition to any stories that pass the guidelines — additionallywe’re featuring Hilarious Kids as a special topic. I have been adding this extra topic for a few months — just for fun, and as an idea/prompt!

Also, if you have a story from a previous topic, send it as you would send any story, and let me know which topic it falls into — or not — up to you, either way we’ll highlight it if it meets the guidelines.

Well, that’s basically it for now. Watch for our next issue, and remember, you may send stories at any time during the month as we publish a new issue every few weeks.

Questions? Comments? Feel free to get in touch.

Happy Reading!

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Save a LIST

  • To save my ‘Digging Up Bones’ List: Click here, then ‘save list.’
  • To save my ‘Women Who Use Tools’ series, Click Here, then ‘save list.’
  • To save my ‘Dancing Through My Life’ series, Click Here, then ‘save list.’
  • To save my ‘Anthologies’ series, Click Here, then ‘save list.’



Vera-Marie Landi
Digging Up Bones

I'm retired, love spending time with family, writing, and walking. My publications are about keeping good stories at the forefront for all to read and re-read.