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Digital Beer
Digital Beer
A collection of shared thoughts, stories and deep thinking on the amazing digital world.
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February digest 2017

After my January digest, I got feedback from a precious reader that these stories must be toilet-friendly, so I’ll keep it short, directly to the essence :)


Drupalaton 2016


Recently, I joined an event on Drupal in Hungary — the Drupalaton. It is one of the most exciting yearly Drupal events in Europe, organized by the local community. It gathers hundreds of contributors who collaborate on Drupal issues, share knowledge and…

Trying conversational forms

Just recently I found about this tool — it’s developed by SPACE10. They recently published an introductory article about conversational forms.

Think about apps, not websites

Admiring the progress of Web APIs, I decided to shortly summarize some feelings. They are mostly about a borderline (common-sense) why it is worth knowing what is a web app and why we have to shift our paradigm thinking from building websites to building web apps. For this…