Go to Brand Inside & Out
Brand Inside & Out
Exploring the trials, triumphs, and inner workings of brand and its deep-rooted connection to marketing, design, development, sales, HR, customer success, and more. Brought to you from the brand management experts at Frontify (and our friends).
Note from the editor

We’re big believers in the power of brand, and empowering everyone connected them — with the tools and know-how to co-create on those brands in a clear, consistent, and compelling way. It just so happens we’ve developed amazing software to enable that very mission. The cherry on top? A crew with a passion for brand management that runs even deeper than our cloud-based platform. By sharing real-world experiences, ‘wow’ examples, and bringing awareness to the everyday instances where brand is present in the jobs of a wide range of people, we hope to lower the threshold to impact, bringing this topic closer to each of you. In tandem, inspiring a seasoned community in search of fresh perspectives, trends, and best-in-class solutions.

Go to the profile of Frontify
Our brand management platform connects creators and collaborators with everything they need to make their brand thrive.
Go to the profile of Roger Dudler
Roger Dudler
Founder & CEO @Frontify.
Go to the profile of Patrick Hummel
Patrick Hummel
Someone that moved from Europe to Brazil, works as a Product Designer at the home of brands at Frontify and that unites his love in caring and acting.
Go to the profile of Simone Luker
Go to the profile of Johanna Scherfler
Johanna Scherfler
pixel pusher, huge nerd, little adventurer
Go to the profile of James Mitchell
James Mitchell
Product Designer at Frontify