Go to Digital Democracy
Digital Democracy
News & Updates from the @Digidem team. Our mission: working in solidarity with marginalized communities to use technology to defend their rights
Note from the editor

News & Updates from the @Digidem team. Our mission: working in solidarity with marginalized communities to use technology to defend their rights

Go to the profile of Gregor MacLennan
Gregor MacLennan
Working with @DigiDem to develop mobile tools and training for remote communities to document environmental contamination and human rights abuses.
Go to the profile of Emily Jacobi
Emily Jacobi
Stargazer. Pattern weaver. Question asker. ❤ warrior. My day job is to lead @digidem’s work to amplify marginalized voices through tech. My writing is my own.
Go to the profile of Digital Democracy
Digital Democracy
Working collaboratively to support small-d democracy globally. Our mission: Empower marginalized communities to use technology to defend their rights.