Go to Digital Leaders
Digital Leaders
Thoughts on leadership, strategy and digital transformation across all sectors. Articles first published on the Digital Leaders blog at digileaders.com
Note from the editor

Thoughts on leadership, strategy and digital transformation across all sectors. Articles first published on the Digital Leaders blog at digileaders.com

Go to the profile of Digital Leaders
Digital Leaders
Informing and inspiring innovative digital transformation digileaders.com
Go to the profile of Claire Calmejane
Claire Calmejane
Chief Innovation Officer @ SocGen, co-author of a research report at MIT on Digital Transformation. Views are my own.
Go to the profile of Theo Blackwell
Theo Blackwell
Technology & Growth in UK city and local government. As of September 2017, Chief Digital Officer for London.
Go to the profile of Tim Difford
Tim Difford
Social Technology, Collaboration & Innovation.
Go to the profile of Mehmet Akyuz
Mehmet Akyuz
Digital Architect and Motorcyclist from Sydney. I write about architecture, design thinking and digital transformation. https://zettamachine.com