Converter: Scription > DLx

Daniel W. Hieber
Digital Linguistics
1 min readMay 6, 2019

Back in March, the Digital Linguistics project released the Scription text format, a simple set of guidelines for writing interlinear glossed texts in a way that makes them a) easy to write, b) easy to read, and c) easy for programming languages to parse. Below is an example Scription text for the first 3 sentences of a story in Chitimacha (isolate; Louisiana).

title: How the Indian came
abbreviation: A1
wetkx hus naancaaa-mank-x wetk hi hok-m-iqi
then he brother-PL-TOP DEM DIST leave-PLACT-3SG
Then he left his brothers.
kun cuu-g-x cuu-g-x xeeni-nk hup hi nicw-iqi
some go-PTCP-TOP go-PTCP-TOP pond-LOC to DIST
He went and went till he came to the edge of a pond.
wetkx we xeeni-nk hi nicw-i-nki-x wey-k hi kixut-iqi
then DET pond-LOC DIST DEM-NOM DIST swim-3SG
When he got to the edge of the pond, he swam it.

Today the Digital Linguistics project is releasing the scription2dlx JavaScript package, which parses Scription text files and formats the resulting data according to the Data Format for Digital Linguistics (Daffodil). The script works with entire text files, or plain lists of utterances, or even a single utterance. Check out the live demo below!

To install and use the scription2dlx package yourself, visit the project page on GitHub, npm, or the DLx developer website.

Live demo of the scription2dlx script

