Scription > DLx v0.11.0

Version 0.11.0 of the scription2dlx library is now released! The scription2dlx library is a JavaScript / Node package for converting interlinear glossed linguistic texts to JSON format. The texts to convert should be formatted in scription format (a simple text format that follows…

DLx Word Aligner Library

When working with interlinear glossed examples in linguistics, the standard convention is to vertically align words using tabs, whitespace, or tables to make them more readable. Compare these two examples (from Nuuchahnulth, a Wakashan language spoken in the Pacific Northwest):

DLx Data Format: v1.0.0!

The Digital Linguistics (DLx) project is excited to announce the release of v1.0.0 of the Data Format for Digital Linguistics (DaFoDiL)!

Acknowledgments: A huge thank you to Brock Wrobleski and Vade Kamenitsa-Hale for their work in preparing this release, as

Scription > DLx v0.6.0

Version 0.6.0 of the Scription > DLx JSON converter has just been released. You may notice that this release skips several minor versions. This is to bring the version number of this scription2dlx library in line with the version number of the Scription format itself. Going forward, the…

Scription v0.5.0

v0.5.0 of the Scription format has been released! Check it out on the releases page.

What is the Scription text format?

The Scription text format is a set of guidelines for formatting interlinear glossed texts in a way that…