Terra Deep Dive 2021 — #1

The Most Exciting Blockchain Today

Powering crypto’s best stablecoins, a huge investment opportunity.

Millan Singh
Digital Native Citizen
10 min readDec 2, 2021


I’m incredibly excited about the Terra blockchain. $LUNA (Terra’s native gas, staking, and governance coin) makes up the largest portion of my portfolio by far, because I’m so stoked on the project, and has undergone significant price appreciation this year (think 10x since the May crash). To understand why I’m so hyped about Terra and $LUNA, we must return to the core of my last story.

Stablecoins are the future.

In one of my earliest stories for Digital Native Citizen, I wrote this as a quick overview of the core of the Terra project:

Terra’s aim is to create an ecosystem of crypto stablecoins — coins pegged to various traditional fiat currencies around the world like USD, EUR, AUD, KRW, JPY, etc. These stablecoins can be used to power international payments and other financial services applications in currencies that are already familiar to users. — A Comprehensive List of Major Blockchains by yours truly.

Terra’s stablecoins belong in the “algorithmic” category of stablecoins, as the coins are not backed by any sort of reserve, rather they’re backed by a decentralized economy and a…



Millan Singh
Digital Native Citizen

Professional Tinkerer, Creative Entrepreneur, and practitioner of A Hero’s Journey. Follow me for tech, crypto, finance, and personal development.