About us

Coliving Club
Digital Nomad Magazine
4 min readSep 29, 2017

A quick refference guide Coliving Club Network ✊️

Coliving Club Network is a collaboration of coliving/coworking hubs👩‍💻👨‍💻 founded by Coliving Club Inc, Startup Launchpad Inc and Hack’n’Sleep. 👌🏻


We began our operations as separate companies. 💡Startup Launchpad has started in Palo Alto in 2013. Coliving Club & Hack’n’Sleep have expended the operations to the city of San Francisco in 2015. 👍

We currently have served over 10K customers 😁and ran over 19 locations in total investing over $1M into our operations. 😎

People behind the project😻

Kirill Sopot, Sergii Sopot and Maxim Schewtschenko — Coliving Club — operating colivings and building communities in San Francisco since 2015.

Gary D Woods — Startup Launchpad — operating colivings and promoting the culture of digital nomadism in Palo Alto since 2013.

Yaroslav Mudryi — Hack’n’Sleep — operating colivings and helping digital nomads in San Francisco since 2015.

When did we united?🙌

In the summer of 2017 we decided to collaborate and join the powers to build something bigger than ourselves: 🌏The Ecosystem for Digital Nomads that would run on its own currency💎 made to fit the needs of our audience. ✨

The Goal🔮

Our goal is to build a global network of fully automated 🤖community-driven 🙋🏻hubs for digital nomads to roam the world using 1 membership pass.🙆🏻‍♂️

No more waiting for the hosts to reply🤦‍♀️
Now that you can always book through the chat bot👨🏻‍🚀

No more payments for multiple booking fees every time you go to a new place.💸
Now that you can pay for one membership to stay at any Signature location of the Club👍

No more currency conversions😤
Now that you can pay a globally accepted Dinom currency (DNM tokens)😜

No more hustling to search for the right place to live and work productively 😒
Now that every Signature location is designed to meet your needs🤗☕️

No more problems with late check-ins 🏃
Now that the entire check-in, orientation and check-out processes are automated. 🤖

You simply pay one membership to live across the Globe.😘 This is how it always suppose to be. Free people, living freely on the Planet Earth. 😱

We believe in the power of the community 👻 That is why we want to empower the people of the future with the productivity tools of the future. 🌄 We’ve started with the most fundamental needs: an always accessible community to live & socialize in and an inspiring place to work.

What are our next steps:

Launch the Venice project
The new standard in productive community living. 🙌A fully automated Coliving for Digital Nomads powered by blockchain. 💎 It will be 100% membership based 👍and the memberships could be purchased using only the cryptocurrency that we introduce for the Digital Nomads — Dinoms.

Launch the App
The chat bot app 🤖mentioned above that will be used to facilitate booking and orientation process for the new members as well as connect them into the Community group chats 📲

Launch the currency for the Digital Nomads
DNM tokens could be used to pay for any membership or service on the Coliving Club Network Marketplace 🎩as well as make P2P payments between the members of the community. 🥂

Document the history
The entire process of setting up the Venice Project is going to be documented 🎞and released as a vlog on our Youtube Channel. 📺 It’s a transparent and fun way to update the supporters of our ICO campaign launching in the end of October 2018. ☝️

Go to the next city
And once the Venice project is up and running we’re immediately expanding into the next City: Austin, Texas. 🇺🇸The uprising tech hub in the US. 🌞

More details

More details on those matters are going to be published in this blog as well as on 👉www.coliving.club soon.

Eternal love to helpers!

By subscribing and hitting that 👏 you participate in the making of the World History. And feel free to contact us any time with any questions, 🙋🏻‍♂️especially in the comment section. 👇

Remember this is a Community-driven project and Community means making things together! 🙏🙌


This message is prepared by Kirill Sopot: CEO and visionary 👁 behind the Coliving Club project. Editor in Chief Hit at Digital Nomad Magazine me up 🤙 on Social Media (Facebook | Twitter | Telegram: @kirillkich) or Medium.



Coliving Club
Digital Nomad Magazine

🔥An emerging global network✊ of coliving/coworking hubs🙌 for the Digital Nomads ✈️👨‍💻👩‍💻🗺.